There are many news that Telegram introduced to its users with the latest update of its app. It starts with the arrival of the highly anticipated group video calls, which had already been announced last April. Also present were the animated wallpaper for chats, to be chosen from those present or to be created from scratch.
A rich update that of Telegram, which also brings new features for security: a reminder reminding users to update the phone number associated with their account. In addition, you can set up to receive a notification every time you change the settings for logging into your account with Two-Step Verification. The update of Telegram focuses on a fundamental aspect: the movement. Precisely this concept links all the new features, from group video calls to animated wallpapers and even the new animated emojis.
Group video calls on Telegram: how they work
Time ago Telegram spoke of the arrival of group video calls, but now with the latest update they have become reality and not only for smartphones, but also on tablet and for the version desktop. To start a group video call, you must first create a voice chat. Once started, you can simply start the video call by tapping on the video camera icon and then with a touch in any part of the video, you can activate the full screen view.
By staring at a video at the top, it will stay on top even when new participants join the video call. Furthermore, by tapping on the three dots or opening the menu, you will find the item that allows you to share the screen with the other participants. This is an interesting novelty, because it makes Telegram video calls useful not only for personal matters, but also as a tool for business calls.
Group video calls on Telegram: the limit of participants
The only drawback, at the moment, is the number of competitors limited. In fact, if there is no limit for voice chats, they will be able to participate in group video calls only 30 users. Just a hitch, as Telegram has made it known that it is already working to increase the limit, with voice chats preparing to be used for video game streaming, live events and much more.
Telegram: other news for group video calls
Among other additional features, Telegram explains that he has improved the noise suppression in voice chats, for crisp and clear audio for all participants. In addition, a switch has been added to disable noise suppression.
Group video calls are also available for tablet and computer, where they offer a different and improved display layout to take advantage of the space of larger displays. You will be able to use the half-screen view of the video grid, so that you can also consult the list of participants.
In the desktop version, then, the voice chats open in one separate window so as to allow you to write and speak without minimizing one of the two. Screen sharing, on the other hand, is selective: you can broadcast a specific program instead of everything that is open and viewable. In addition, the user who shares the screen it will be fixed at the top, so that it can be clearly visible.
Group video calls also arrive on Telegram