On the App Store there are thousands of applications of all kinds that can simplify and enrich the user experience of any iPhone user. However, finding the best proposals could actually be complicated and for this reason, today we are going to list those that, in our opinion, might work for most people. Obviously, to try as much as possible to facilitate the reading of the article, we will sort all the best apps by category.

Let's start with the applications belonging to one of the most suitable categories for any type of user. Anyone indeed wishes inquire about the most important events of the day and luckily you can do it using different apps.
Google News
How not to mention the reference app for news related to any type of topic. Google News allows you to follow all the articles published From newspapers and favorite blogs, as well as selecting specific topics.
Another way to wrap up all the latest news is to use a RSS service. In our opinion the best in this area is Flipboard. Inside it is possible to find, in addition to the classic articles, hundreds of videos and podcasts of any kind.
Feedly – Smart News Reader
The best alternative to Flipboard is Feedly, which also offers a very satisfying desktop web interface. Among its strengths we certainly find the dark mode and the presence of an artificial intelligence able to always show news of greatest interest to the user.

The apps dedicated to productivity are probably among the most downloaded on the iPhone, especially by users interested in the “business” profile of smartphones.
Any.do: Activities and Calendar
When it comes to productivity, the first thing to think about is the organization of the working day. Consequently, a manager of scheduled activities and events cannot be missing. Among the best in this field there is obviously Any.do, equipped with advanced functions and a very elegant interface.
Notion - Notes, projects, docs
The second service that cannot be missed on a businessman's iPhone is the one dedicated to the creation of notes and notes. Notion manages to include hundreds of different proposals, useful for enriching your own notes of images, links, calendars, tables, graphs, documents and much more.
Microsoft Office / Pages, Numbers e Keynote
Why have three different applications when you can use Word, Excel and PowerPoint downloading only one? This is basically the concept of Microsoft Office. In case you prefer the suite designed by Apple instead, we can only recommend Pages, Numbers and Keynote.
Saving all your files to the cloud is now quite popular with iPhone users. The most famous and popular app in this field is Dropbox, also available on the web and via an additional service for macOS. The alternatives offered by Google and Microsoft: Drive e OneDrive.
Another service that cannot be missed on the iPhone is the password manager. 1Password, in addition to having an elegant interface and various functions to catalog the hundreds of passwords in its possession, offers a very useful tool for keyword generation practically impossible to find.
Spark by Readdle
How not to mention one of the client mail most downloaded on the App Store. Spark belongs to the Readdle family and allows you to enter your email accounts in order to manage all your incoming mail messages in a simple, fluid and elegant way.
Nothing can simplify and speed up a working day like a service capable of automate various operations with a single command. IFTTT is perhaps the only one able to do this in the simplest and most productive way possible.
Google translator
We close the productivity category with an app that is almost certainly already present in the screens of most iPhone users. Google Translate is indeed the translator par excellence, equipped with text, image and voice recognition.
social Network

Entertainment is also part of the iPhone user experience and what better way to indulge it than through Social Networks. Here are the best ones available.
It has now stolen the social network scepter most appreciated by young people from Facebook. Instagram allows you to post photos, videos and stories of all kinds, all quickly, free and shareable with the whole world.
Last arrived in the Social Network category, but immediately loved by children and teenagers. TikTok offers a unlimited entertainment 360 degrees, thanks above all to millions of users around the world and a substantially infinite feed.
Definitely much less used than the two social networks seen previously, Twitter presents itself as a more “serious” stream of posts (mostly characterized by text) and which connects thousands of different users with the same interests.
More than a social network, Reddit can be considered as a kind of forum, within which all users can publish photos, videos, links, articles and posts, initiating in-depth discussions on several topics, identified as "Subreddit".
Telegram Messenger
For many it is the most convenient and useful instant messaging service in the world. Telegram is in fact one of the few real competitors of WhatsApp and manages, in some ways, even to surpass it in the amount of available functions and software compatibility.
However, WhatsApp remains the reference point for internet chats. Belonging to the Facebook family, it is now the messaging platform most used all over the world.
How not to mention the good old YouTube, probably an unrivaled service in its genre. Inside it will in fact be possible to enjoy millions and millions of videos, even with a quality practically equal to that of television.
Music, Podcasts, Movies and TV Series

When it comes to entertainment, one can only refer to the dozens of applications dedicated to streaming music, podcasts, films and TV series. We would like to clarify that almost all the apps that we will see will be available for download for free, but in order to take advantage of the contents within them, it will be necessary subscribe to one of the available plans.
The video streaming app par excellence is obviously Netflix. In fact, this allows the viewing of films and TV series belonging to an immense catalog, format of original and non-original contents.
Amazon Prime Video
Already included in all subscriptions "Prime", Amazon Prime Video presents itself as one of the best alternatives to Netflix. The contents inside will obviously be different, but there will also be original productions of all kinds.
Disney +
We close the movies and TV series section with Disney +, a streaming service created by the same house as Mickey Mouse and perfect for all content lovers Marvel, Star Wars, Fox, Pixar, National Geographic and obviously, Disney.
Spotify, like Netflix, is the reference app for streaming, but this time focused on music content. The only service that can object is probably Apple Music, already present as standard on all iPhones. Spotify, however, also has a vast catalog of podcasts and the ability to listen to random songs (with advertising) without necessarily having to subscribe.
TuneIn - Radio and Podcast
A free alternative to Spotify is TuneIn, a service focused on streaming radio online e podcast of all kinds. Perfect app to listen to the contents of the various: RTL, Radio Deejay and many others.

Online shopping is now an integral part of the classic "shopping" and for this reason, many free apps for the iPhone could simplify the process.
Amazon Mobile
We obviously start with Amazon, the favorite e-commerce of most people. Its catalog is vast of articles, whether they concern the IT category, clothing, accessories or other. Thanks to the aforementioned application you can also track the shipment in progress, thanks largely to the alert notifications.
Amazon's main rival is certainly eBay, which bases its success on the high number of professional and private sellers, as well as the section "These" very popular with users from all over the world.
They are just so done a Domicilio
Takeaway food also falls into the shopping category and in this field, Just Eat is certainly the leader. The latter has contacts with hundreds of restaurants throughout the city, in order to ensure a home meal for all its users.
Zalando – Fashion and shopping
For fashion lovers we list Zalando instead, characterized by fast shipping, a vast catalog, free shipping on certain brands and, above all, free return.
ideal - discounts and savings
idealo is one of the best price comparators in town. The latter can be useful for anyone to search for any product and find out which online store offers the best price. Obviously all the e-commerce present will be verified to maintain a certain purchase security.
On games you should further divide the list into sub-categories so, to avoid unnecessary confusion, we recommend that you visit one of our guides on this.
Trips are also often organized directly from your iPhone. With the apps that we will see below you can in fact book planes, trains and accommodations in complete freedom.
Skyscanner - cheap travel
Skyscanner is one of the best comparators of flights, hotels and car rentals available on iPhone. The app is very elegant, fluid and simple to use. Definitely a must have in case you are about to travel.
Tripadvisor Hotel Restaurants
As for the restaurants, on the other hand, we can only mention Tripadvisor, well known all over the world and great for discovering the best places to eat. To book instead, we recommend TheFork belonging to the same Tripadvisor.
Trainline: train e pullman
For those who prefer to travel in train or pullman, we recommend Trainline, travel comparator including the most important city companies: Trenenglish, Italo, Flixbus and others.
Google Maps - GPS and Restaurants
How to orient yourself on the road if not through the best known and richest online map in the world? In fact, Google Maps offers information of all kinds (shops, restaurants, bars, gyms and much more), in addition to the classic road directions on foot, by car and by city vehicles.
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