How to find out those who no longer follow us on Instagram it is not difficult at all and it is useful to understand who is really interested in returning the "follow". Through the Instagram hashtags, or through some photos, you have happened to ask to be followed, or you have been tagged to ask you for a "follow for follow": your followers have increased but suddenly, after a few days, they slowly decrease. This happens because many users stop following your Instagram profile.
If you are interested in knowing who has stopped following you on Instagram you are in the right place: we will cover the procedure for both iOS that for Android.
Quick first method
The fastest and fastest way to find out if someone no longer follows you on Instagram is to go to their profile, click on the number of profiles they follow and from search at the top type your name: if you do not appear then you are not followed by the contact.
App to find out who no longer follows us on Instagram
There are applications that allow you to know, even en masse, how many and which profiles have stopped following you (and also on what date). These apps are available on the Android Play Store or the Apple App Store. The best are listed below.
Per iPhone e iPad
If you have an iPhone or an iPad, the first step we recommend is to install Reports +, a free app useful for finding out who no longer follows us on Instagram. Unfortunately, to take advantage of particular functions there is the paid version. The app is very easy to use: you will have to enter your Instagram data and so immediately the app gets to the point, that is, the whole list of those who have stopped following your account will appear. You can also spy on people who have recently followed you, your likes, comments and so on.
Other great apps to find out who no longer follows you on Instagram on iPhone are the following:
- Cleaner for IG: allows you to find out who is not following you, what are the ghost profiles, perform a mass follow / unfollow and much more;
- Cleaner for Ins: app very similar to the previous one;
- Mass Unfollow for Instagram: even if born for the mass unfollow of profiles, this app manages to show which contacts are no longer following you so you can delete them.
Per Android
If you have an Android smartphone or tablet, you can instead download the following apps that are really very simple to use and complete (many are the same ones also available for iOS):
- Cleaner for Instagram Unfollow, Block and Delete;
- Reports+ per Instagram;
- Unfollowers for Instagram
We hope that these apps, very easy to use, will be of help: as you can see it is not difficult to find out who no longer follows us on Instagram and in this way you can also do some cleaning on your account!