Galarian Ramoloss is coming to Sword and Shield, but getting his morphs might be more difficult.
Galarian Ramoloss is the teaser for the new Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass DLC, which features Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra. While Galarian Ramoloss is available now, the evolution of the Pokémon is another story. Both evolutions are available, but players will not be able to obtain them until the DLC releases.
Can you get Galarian Roigada?
The short answer is yes. But not before Crown Tundra is released in the fall.
Kanto's Ramoloss, the original, became Flagadoss through leveling. Once Ramoloss reached level 37, he would evolve. In future generations, if players wanted to, they could use a King's Rock and evolve it that way. If traded while holding King's Rock, Ramoloss would evolve into Roigada.
Current details are vague, but both Galarian evolutions are possible. According to the press release, Galarian Ramoloss will evolve with a "specific element" for Flagadoss and Roigada. Items can only be found in DLC. The item to evolve Ramoloss into Flagadoss will be in Isle of Armor, while the item for Roigada will be in the Crown Tundra DLC.
We do not yet know exactly what this "specific element" is or how it evolves with the element. It may need to be swapped out like the original slowdown. Maybe she's used as an evolutionary stone instead. Since Galarian Ramoloss does not evolve via leveling, it's hard to guess what the process may be. The slowdown has already been achieved through trade, so it might be a decent guess that the Galarian form will use the same mechanism.
Galarian Ramoloss is available now for Sword and Shield. And yes, there is a shiny shape. Grab it now to set up your perfect Roigada or Flagadoss when the DLCs release later this year.