Telegram X, the alternative and official client for Pavel Durov's messaging platform, was rewritten from scratch, and is now available for Android and iOS. This new client is faster and easier to use, as well as being easy to customize. The version upgrade Telegram X beta it is enriched with some functions and eliminates bugs.
The app is completely different from Telegram, because it has been rewritten and lightened by several components. This allows for better performance, in the face of significantly lower consumption. The enhanced version also offers some functions not usable in the traditional one. The improvements made are so many and also interest the most demanding users, for example developers or experts who want to customize all the features or the graphical interface.
Telegram X Beta: here's what changes
In the Beta version of the app many important bugs have been fixed. First, one of the most annoying problems of Telegram X Beta was the client malfunction when users they customized the themes. Now finally, the graphical interface can be customized without problems. The crash also occurred to those who wanted to manage their own TDLib library, used by the many developers able to put their hand to the system to modify the functions. And that too has been fixed. Also, there were worrying outages and slowdowns in voice notes: and again, the developer team has improved the streaming of these messages.
Alongside these problems, there was also that of notifications: up Telegram X those already read also appeared, causing some confusion and annoyance in users. Finally now, once displayed they do not appear continuously on the smartphone display. Even the Push notifications they have been improved and simplified, and no longer constitute a hindrance to the use of the mobile phone.
Simultaneously it worked for reduce the power consumption of the app and to solve the problem of the multi-account. In fact, now it is possible to register more than 10 different profiles without fear of the application blocking or other malfunctions.
To make these changes, the Telegram X Beta it has been completely rewritten, also to ensure much shorter boot times. At the same time, the classic version of Telegram is affected by several updates in recent months: the most talked about is certainly the arrival of the multi-account and the control of consumption.
Telegram X Beta changes everything: app completely rewritten