There's no reason to try grinding until you've completed the main campaign and unlocked the Mayhem levels. Once you're at the end of the game, you'll want to target the best bosses for huge XP gains. Some bosses are much, much better than others - and some of the new DLC bosses are even better than the ones in Vanilla. It's about finding the perfect balance between the time spent fighting and the total amount of experiences you will get.
If you're curious about the most efficient way to reach level 60 after completing the game, we've got the bosses (and locations) you'll want to visit - and revisit and revisit.
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Best Boss Farms
le Graveward isn't the only boss farm. The big bad in the Eden-6 Vault is generally used as a great farming location and a boss that drops a lot of legendary loot - especially if you're playing on High Mayhem. The Graveward is special because it doesn't have an immunity phase, so it's a great starting point for basic farming. But it's not the only game in town.
Most bosses ask you to Save and exit to make them reappear. Usually you'll have to go back to the boss location where they'll respawn - there's a boss you can speed up. Killavolt is a miniboss Lectra City at Prometheusand it will constantly reappear. Just kill yourself with grenades, respawn, lose some money, and you're back in the fight. He will appear in his personal arena.
If you aim pure XP speed, there is only one choice. Scraptrap Prime is a mini-boss in the DLC Heist the Moxxi. It is located in the nest of Scraptrap, Deny Ridge. Like Killavolt, Scraptrap Prime will respawn if you kill yourself. With a small Science Machine boster on your ship, you can reach the new max level 10-20 minutes of agriculture.
Of course, the downside is that you will need the DLC Heist the Moxxi to combat breakage, but the content is worth it. If you are looking for other ways to quickly earn XP, you can try the Felling tree, Maliwan Takedown, or Katagawa Jr.