Zane is the infiltrator of the four new Vault Hunters in Borderlands 3. He uses deception and technology to his advantage. While he can be a bit sneaky in a fight, he can deal a lot of damage if you build him correctly. Here are some cool building recommendations you can try out while playing with Zane. We highly recommend that he have a friend.
Zane Best Builds in Borderlands 3
Fast feet
Looking at Zane's entire kit, this build variety will likely be the most popular with this chest hunter. Usually you make Zane the fastest thing on the map and screw him up as much as possible using the Hitman skill tree. You're going to want to model it with Violent Speed, Violent Momentum, Salvation, Cool Hand, and Violent Violence, as well as a few points in Playing Dirty. These are going to be your daily bread as they are going to keep Zane on his feet as he zips around the map, shooting enemies left and right. He will be able to heal himself with Salvation, and his little SNTNL will follow him, throwing his enemies left and right.
With Zane moving around a lot and killing so much, you're going to need ammo for this. Go to the doubled agent tree to collect Praemunitus, a few points in Synchronicity, followed by Donnybrook, then work up to Supersonic Man. The doubled Agent tree can complement Zane's overall movement, making him even faster than he already does and with two of him on the ground, he can bounce back if things get too hairy.
Now you see me
Rather than focusing on the Hitman tree, you change things up starting with the doubled agent. You're relying a bit on your hologram partner, you're going to want to put a few dots in the Hitman tree, including Praemuntius, and Synchronicity, before moving on to Under Cover. You're going to want to try and build these two trees at the same time, turning more to the double agent, to maximize the distraction potential of your hologram. Grab a sizable stock and then grab a few points in Ready for Action to increase Zane's overall shield usage.
Also, relied on Fractal Fractals, Duct Tape Mod, Pocket Full of Grenades, Old-U, Boom. Improve, and like a ghost are going to be your choices. You're going to find that Zane is going to want a much bigger Grenade Slot, so grab it for him early so he can upgrade his Digi clone and throw it left and right, even though he already has an upgraded Digi clone. .
When you find yourself in the Under Cover tree, lean towards points to earn the jacket, well-served jacket cold, very expensive, belt of futility, calm, coolness, collected and nerves of steel or refreshment if need be. more health. Overall, Zane will remain much less mobile than the last version, thanks to its barrier. However, his improved Digi-clone is ready to go.
Heavy Shield, Quick release
Now back to the Hitman tree, you'll want to start by going down that tree. Pick up Cold Bore, Cool Hand, and Salvation before returning under cover. Most of the time, you want Zane to kill enemies quickly, recharge quickly, steal health from them, and stay behind his shield. With Under Cover, you want to acquire Ready for Action, Rise to the Occasion, all in Stiff Upper Lip, then a point in Hearty Stock.
Then we return to Hit Man, ending with Playing Dirty, Violent Violence and Good Misfortune. You definitely want the final capacity. Now, instead of going back to Under Cover, switch to Double Agent to grab three points in Praemunitus, Borrowed Time, and the rest of your points in Duct Tape Mod.
You will find that Zane quickly kills enemies behind his deployable cover. He can kill them, freeze them with the drone, and keep his allies alive behind his barrier. His barrier will be his most optimized skill, protecting him with his drone circling around, causing pain and turmoil throughout the encounter.