There really isn't any other convenient place to farm Mission Reward Chests on the console, which makes this place something special. You'll also want to act quickly before Gearbox fixes this handy farming spot. Personally, I do not intend to rely too much on this feat; but it's still fun to collect some legendary weapons and keep going. Here's how to get four for each loading screen.
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To operate four guaranteed legendary cannons per round, you will need to reach the Go up to the ruin mission in the DLC. This is the final mission of the story - once completed you will be able to unlock the bank at Vestige and loot the chests there.
You will have four legendary weapons per race, Everytime. But you have to be very careful do not complete the mission. Here's the breakdown.
- Reach the 'Go up to the ruin“Mission and unlock the end goal - collect your bounty.
- Go to the Vestige Bank and open all the chests. You will have four legendary weapons Everytime.
- Make sure you don't pick it all up - do not shoot the piggy banks that glow red!
- This way you will not reach the goal! Don't break everything, then you can quit and quit.
- Reload and chests will reappear.
You can complete this quest to earn tons of easy legendary weapons. If you are lucky you can also get the Dakota Rifle for your troubles. This method was shared by u / Fakie420 on Reddit, and we've tested to make sure it still works.