This is to use the new Max Lair system. In the Crown Tundra you will find a cave with a new activity that will have you experience four four player Dynamax battles. In the end, you'll always come across a special Legendary Pokémon - but these lairs can be pretty tricky. They give tons of rewards, and if you're particularly lucky, they can give you Shiny Pokemon. But you won't know until after you complete a race. Make sure you bring plenty of Pokeballs.
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How To Hunt Shiny Pokemon In Max Lairs | Best brilliant hunting method
Max Lairs can be found in a cave, in the first snowy area before reaching Freezington in Crown Tundra. A wide variety of Legendary Pokémon can be captured inside - and if you complete all three of Peony's Legendary Quests, you'll unlock Ultra Beasts and even more rarer Pokémon for Max Lairs.
So how do you increase your chances of earning a brilliant? It's really simple, but hard to notice if you don't already know the trick.
- How to hunt shiny Pokémon in Max Lairs
- Capture all 4 Dynamax Pokémon in a Max Lair.
- At the end, take a look at the four Pokémon you've captured - you'll only see if they're shiny on the final screen.
This is the big thing. Pokémon will be DO NOT appear as Shiny Pokémon in their Dynamax form during a raid battle while you venture into a Max Lair. The only way to find out is to capture the four and check again.
The chances of spotting a Shiny Pokemon are ridiculously increased - it's much, much more common. You can even "farm" specific Pokémon by memorizing a Legendary Pokémon location and hunting it over and over again.
Why is this the best method? Not only are your chances of finding a random rare Pokémon higher, and not only can you farm specific Pokémon for a Shiny, but you will also earn valuable ones. dynite ore that you can use on extremely rare items at dynite ore trader. This method is less repetitive, but also a bit haphazard - you'll need a good team of Pokémon trainers. If your team is terrible and you don't catch all four, it ruins a race.
To increase your chances of Shiny even more, don't forget to collect the Shining charm. Capture 100% of the Pokémon in the Pokedex Galar () and talk to the Game manager at the Ionia Hotel in Circhester. It will give you the shiny charm, which greatly increases your chances of finding a shiny one.
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