There is one notable reference in Borderlands 3 that fans of the Pokemon anime show will love. It's a direct reference to Jesse, James and Meowth, the Team Rocket trio who have always looked after Ash and tried to capture his Pikachu. You are going to find this Easter egg in a particular weapon aroma text.
Borderlands 3 Rocket Team Rocket Easter Egg
Unfortunately, there is no exact science to locate this reference. You must be lucky. You are going to loot this weapon from a boss, from the Moxxi slots, or you are going to find it in a random, unforeseen drop that you never thought you would find. No matter how you find it, you're looking for a legendary grenade modification called "Moxxi's Bouncing Pair". It's a series of rubberized grenades that create a good amount of bounce and explode on impact.
When you get the grenade mod, check the separate text in the weapon icon image. In the red letters you should see the words: "Prepare for trouble and make it overtake". This line is a direct reference to the quote Jesse and James share whenever they get shot in the air, into the stars, and disappear from the Pokémon show with a sparkle in the sky.
There is not much to the reference other than the citation. Because you're not going to loot it from any particular enemy or location, there is no additional reference to the Pokemon Villain Pair, beyond the quote. It's a fun little nod to the show, however.
If you're looking for more Borderlands 3 Easter Eggs, check out the references page we've compiled on our website. Be sure to check out the Lord of the Rings signs and the classic story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, if you're looking for additional pop culture references in the game.
Borderlands 3 is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC through the Epic Games Store.