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Nowadays have a good one Wifi connection it is an essential requirement that almost everyone now needs.
And a repeater for WiFi signal surely it could do its part in making a good one network.
Now that smart working has taken hold in our lives, especially at work, signal loss can make us damn our souls in every way.
To counter this phenomenon, which occurs especially when you stray too far from the router, there is our desert oasis: the WiFi repeater.
If we wanted to doping ours signal increasing its power for sure this would be the product that would eliminate a few more headaches.
In terms of price, it is within everyone's reach, and the installation of the device is at least done.
Having said that, we just have to ask ourselves how to find a WiFi repeater that meets our needs.
Best WiFi repeater • Which one to choose to amplify the signal
Let's see what are the main features to buy a good one wireless repeater for our connection.
Let's find out together how to choose a WiFi repeater for our internet!
WiFi repeater: Compatibility
First of all, to make a purchase that does not turn out to be a leap of faith, it is necessary that the frequency of the WiFi repeater is the same as that of the modem, for example “Dual band” or “tri band”.
Secondly, we need to check what standard our WiFi router has reached, to verify that it is compatible with it standard Wifi of the repeater (Wifi 6, 802.11n, etc.), so as not to make a useless purchase.
WiFi repeater: Functions
The third critical issue to consider is the type of functionality that ours Wifi repeater It owns.
The first feature is that "relay”, Which allows you to search for the radio signal developed by our router and then increase its range.
The second is the PA, that is l’Access Point, which allows you to create an anchor, a WiFi access point to our network where it is not available.
The first two features are common to all Wifi repeaters. The third is the Bridge one.
This only affects the repeaters of high end, as it allows you to connect different devices within your home and then be connected to the network Home wifi.
WiFi repeater: Antennas
Antenna: to buy a good WiFi repeater we must pay close attention to antennas. If we want our modem router to be reachable from a greater distance, we need to make ours relay has the external ones, as they provide excellent coverage and adjustability, under penalty of less ease of movement.
Le internal antenna instead they have a lower power, and their number is predetermined (2-3), as they are integrated into the WiFi router.
WiFi repeater: Network ports
Le network ports that can be identified in a WiFi repeater are the most varied: the low-end models support fast ethernet ports, with a maximum speed of 100mbps. The models that go up in price have only Gigabit Ethernet ports, which is the direct evolution of Fast. These have 10 times the power (up to 1 Gbps).
WiFi Repeater: Prices
The last question we need to answer is our desired price range.
Although it is affordable for everyone, the cost can vary from 12 euros up to over 300 euros. It varies according to the overall speed reached by the modems.
The low-end products reach a maximum speed of 300 Mbps while those of the mid-high range from 750 Mbps to 2200 Mbps. The models from 1800 to 220 Mbps often have at least 3-4 external antennas.
Best wifi repeater: the models chosen by us
Once you know what it is and how it works the WiFi repeater we just have to choose which one to buy.
In the following paragraphs we will offer a discussion of some wireless repeaters recommended by our team.
Fritz! repeater 1200

It is a low-end model, compatible with most routers out there.
Supports Wifi dual band Ac+n from 2.4 Ghz up to 5 Ghz frequency. The amount of data transmitted per unit of time varies from 400 Mbit for 2.4Ghz to 866 Mbit per second for 5 Ghz.
It is stated by Fritz how this device is compatible with any router.
It is ideal for medium-sized rooms. The absence of external antennas favors a more comfortable placement in different areas of the house.
The German company provides a fairly easy setup.
FRITZ! Repeater 2400

This model quickly and easily increases the range of your wireless network. A single step, that is, pressing the button WhatsApp, allows the device to connect to the network.
Like the previous model, it is compatible with most modems on the market, such as FTTH or ADSL.
The repeater supports the standard Wifi Ac+N, and allows the extension of the wireless range of the router. The connection speed reaches up to 1733 Mbit / s for the 5Ghz frequency, while it stops at 600Mbit / s for the 2,4 Ghz frequency.
It is suitable for anyone who wants boost your WiFi signal even for fairly large houses.
Netgear EX7300 Nighthawk X4

The second model selected is the Netgear Nighthawk X4.
The wi-fi signal can be amplified up to 150 square meters. The surprises don't end there. More than 20 devices such as laptops and tablets and other IOT devices can be connected.
The wireless speed is up to 1750 Mbps. Ideal for those who want to use it for gaming. It is the top as far as the wired connection is concerned, as it is equipped with a 1 Gbit speed Ethernet port.
Like previous models, it is equipped with an internal antenna equipped with the latest technologies to improve its signal.
The repeater is complete with App Nighthawk to configure and view connected devices. It is available for Android and Ios.
The device integrates technology Mu-Mimo, which allows you to connect two WiFi bands simultaneously.
Finally, he owns the technology Beamforming, which allows you to improve the quality of WiFi transmissions to connected devices.
You can use it both as Access Point be like range extender.
The price is practically cheap, as it is around 97 euros. An easily digestible compromise for those who do not want to spend too much and use the internet in a more professional way.
FRITZ!Powerline 1240E

As icing on the cake, let's move on to a different model: which provides in addition to the function of WiFi Extender also that of powerline.
Compared to the previous model, we can consider this product of high end.
The FRITZ! Powerline 1240E uses the Homeplug Av2, reserved for those who need high bandwidth to download or watch videos.
It reaches a maximum speed of 1200 Mbit / s.
The company that manufactured this repeater often sets up as a must have for the care and attention it places in the construction of accessories.
The network can be upgraded through the use of Lan cables, and can be used as relay wi-fi, allowing the connection of multiple devices.
The device uses the Wpa2 technology, considered the safest for at least 10 years.
It is the most powerful of the Fritz series, but it is also more environmentally friendly, due to its eco technology, inhibiting the powerline after a period of time of inactivity.
The only flaw it is the Single Band standard, so you can amplify the signal at the frequency of 2,4 Ghz. It allows you to effectively manage e-mail or social channels. The price is around 130 euros. For what it's worth, it's definitely one of the best repeaters out there, for its excellent functionality.
Best WiFi Repeater • Conclusion
Our guide on best WiFi repeaters comes to an end.
In this article we have tried to help you in choosing the wi-fi repeater suitable for your needs.
Before listing the wi-fi repeater models we have tried to list the most critical aspects to consider before buying one.
It is obvious that those who have less money but still want to have the possibility to expand their wi-fi signal will have to give up a high-end model.
Our final advice is to invest in a durable product that doesn't push us to change it every two or three years.