It's the first week of Skye's Adventure in Fortnite, which means some new challenges to complete to get loot, experience, and ultimately a nice alternate style for Skye. There are ten new challenges for Skye's Adventure this week, with ten more on the way next week. You will need to complete 18 to have a chance at Skye's Secret Mission for a Ghost or Shadow style.
One of the challenges this week is to search the chests of spy bases. You can find the location of the various in-game spy bases on the map below. All you need to do is enter the base and search for a total of seven chests. None of the bases have so many chests, so you'll need to visit a few to complete this challenge.

Spy Base # 1

If you head to Pleasant Park and the little shop halfway through the village on your way north, you will find a portable toilet behind the building. Enter to be taken to the secret base.
Spy Base # 2

Shadow Safe House Beta can be found west of Frenzy Farm. Across the river you'll find a gas station, with the entrance to the refuge being a portable toilet in a red brick building at the back.
Spy Base # 3

Shadow Safe House Charlie is located north of Frenzy Farm. You have to travel almost to the coast, where you will find a building full of minions. For a sneaky entrance, jump into the trash can at the front of the building.
Spy Base # 4

The Shadow Safe House Delta is on the lake's largest island north of Misty Meadows. It's the only building on the island, with four or five minions patrolling the area.
Spy Base # 5

Shadow Safe House Echo sits between Holly Hedges and Sweaty Sands. This is a small red wooden building about halfway between the two named locations.
You can find the other Skye Adventure challenges below: