We've all seen the arrival of the black hole as the biggest of the many small changes that Eipc Games had in mind for its own Fortnite but, in very few, we could imagine a change of such magnitude within one of the most rooted video games currently out there. With the end of the astrophysical event, Epic Games has renewed all the cards on the table bringing a kind of sequel to Fortnite Royal Battle called Fortnite Chapter 2, version of the title that will make us company (presumably) for the next ten seasons of the game or until the release of the title from the limbo of early access (because Fortnite Still in early access).
What do we have with this new chapter two in the title?
We have a myriad of new things that we have more or less covered in a macro guide, we can talk about the fishing rods and their ability to turn a game on itself based on the luck of the player, we can talk about the renewed set of weapons within the title that turn the lucky challenges of recent seasons in a series of clashes much more reasoned, we can talk about the speedboats and the ability to swim, true novelty of the title and driving force of new ways of playing.
Why not talk about the new map?
Full of places yet to visit and secrets yet to be discovered, full of many small news that will end up changing the way of playing of the most experienced players, this time with less chance of skybuilding, less chance of doing something else, more need for precision. The addition of historical places, named places and old challenges will be back in today's guide, dedicated to all the challenges of the first season of the title.
What are we talking about here?
Let's go see how you complete the new world challenges!
Fortnite chapter 2 seasons 1 - new world challenges
The new world challenges are the unprecedented challenges of the first season of Fortnite chapter two; fortunately for us they are not many and they are also quite simple enough to complete but we will not leave you alone. These new Real Fortnite Battle Challenges are designed to let players explore the new game map, whether they are experienced or not. As already mentioned elsewhere, as soon as you enter your first game in Fortnite Chapter 2 the game map will be completely obscured and renewed, which is why you will need to explore it again from top to bottom.
Let's go see together how the challenges of the new world are to be met!
Discover the places indicated
This challenge asks the player to go and discover all the places indicated on the new game map. The indicated places are all those places with names that appear on the game map and that appear covered by question marks during your first games in this Fortnite chapter 2.
Here is a complete list of all the places that must necessarily be reached in order to complete this very first New World Challenge:
Sweaty Sands
Pacific Park
Craggy Cliffs
Foschi Fumaioli
Frenetic Farm
Molested Wharves
Trade Course
Languid Lake
Bruminous Heath
Palpitating Mire
Whispering Forest
Holly Hedges
Eliminations at Languid Lake or Bristly Heath
This challenge asks the player to make three eliminations in one or more games in two specific locations on the new map in Fortnite Chapter 2. These locations are Languid Lake and Bristly Heath, in quadrants F6 and E7 respectively. Grab your favorite weapons, or try to upgrade some of them through the various work tables scattered around the game world and go to these locations to try to make as many scalps as possible. Adding bots into the player pool will certainly make it easier to achieve this goal as these players have an extremely low skill level compared to the average title.
Discover the historical places
This challenge asks the player to go around the game map and find ten different historical places. The historical places are unnamed and unmarked locations on the game map that have some interest in the game Fortnite , being pieces of the past also present on today's map. Using this map designed by us you can find almost all of them. If you do not want to use the map simply remember to explore the segments that remain obscure after visiting the nearest named location to find the various historical places.
It uses a speedboat in three different matches.
This challenge asks the player to use, in three different games, the speedboat, which is the new vehicle that Epic Games has put inside Fortnite with the arrival of chapter two. To use the speedboat it is simply necessary to find it and get close to it and then press the appropriate interaction button that you will buy next to the viewfinder. To find the speedboats you just need to explore the waterways in search of hovels with piers scattered around, this will allow you to find the speedboat much more easily and complete the challenge in question more quickly.
Inflict 500 damage to your opponents using an assault rifle
This challenge asks the player to inflict five hundred damage to opponents using only an assault rifle. The assault rifle is perhaps the most popular weapon in the entire Fortnite Chapter 2, and in this iteration of the title, it is particularly common as many weapons have disappeared from the battle royal island. Once you find an assault rifle, grab it and open your eyes, remembering to aim as best you can. Usually the damage from the assault rifles is high enough to allow the player to complete this challenge within a few games, remember to upgrade your weapon to a more powerful version of the same using the work tables scattered around the game map to be able to complete this challenge more quickly. Epic and legendary assault rifles of epic and legendary rarity can only be found inside metal crates (crates with a different shape and workmanship than wooden ones) and are of course able to allow you to complete the challenge with greater fluency due to their increased firepower.
Search for 7 sweaty sands and trade course crates
This challenge asks the player to go looking for seven different crates in that of sweaty sands or in that of trade course. Both locations have a very good number of crates inside them, with two or even three crates per house; if you can go there in a route without too many problems coming from other players you will have all the time in the world to go in search of the crates, which will lead you to complete the challenge in just a couple of minutes. Remember that the wooden crates are surrounded by a golden aura and emit a special jingle that makes them recognizable even from a distance.
Make eliminations in five different games.
This challenge asks the player to make an elimination in five different games, for a total of five kills. Considering that with the arrival of Fortnite Chapter 2 Epic Games has officially included bots in the title, it will not be enough for you to have a bit of luck to quickly complete this challenge and move on to the next iterations; the bots Fortnite are ersonages controlled by artificial intelligence not particularly smart, unable to build and not endowed with good aim that represent the perfect slaughter meat for players slightly less skilled than normal.
Draw a weapon with a fishing rod.
This challenge asks the player to use a fishing rod to find a weapon within a stream. What does this mean? In Fortnite Chapter 2, one of the most important new features of the new game area is the presence of fishing rods and watercourses; the fishing rod is a non-damaging object that can collect objects from inside watercourses. They are located inside special barrels or inside the usual boxes and have their own system of use: once equipped with the fishing rod by pressing the button to aim it will be possible to make a bow appear that will indicate the direction of our hook, launched the latter inside a puddle of water you just have to wait for the bait that sinks and then quickly press the fire, so doing you can pull out something useful from the water. This something can be really anything: weapons, materials, objects and ... fish; to obtain a weapon we recommend you to fish in water areas characterized by particular glow and presence of fish under the surface.aa
You inflict damage with an SMG, a gun and a shotgun in a single match.
This challenge asks the player to inflict, in the course of a single game, at least one damage with a smg, a shotgun and a gun. There is no need to kill or do anything else. To complete the challenge, in essence, we recommend that you collect the three weapons first and, playing in pairs, land one of your opponents; then make sure you try to do as little damage as possible by firing a single shot and use one at a time the three weapons mentioned above on the dying enemy; by doing so you will complete the challenge and you can move on to the next Epic Games requests for this first week of the first season of Fortnite Chapter 2.
Carry a companion who has landed ten metres.
This challenge asks the player to carry a companion who has landed ten metres; what does that mean? One of the new mechanics added in that of Fortnite is the ability to pick up the companions who have been landed and carry them to safe areas where you can apply the necessary care; here, once you understand this you just need to know that once a companion has been landed for whatever reason you just need to pick him up by the shoulder through the appropriate button and move him for ten meters in a direction of your choice to complete the challenge. To do so without even needing to meet enemies you find yourself with a very interesting possibility in body: that of making your teammate commit suicide through the use of height and construction and then transport him to a safe place without having nesusno shooting you in the back of the neck.
Search for the 'F' hidden in the New World upload screen
This challenge asks the player to go in search of the letter F hidden inside the new world loading screen. The letter is located near languid lake, at G6 coordinates on the game map. Here is a convenient map to go looking for it without too much trouble. Once you get to that location all you have to do is get close to the letter and press the contextual interaction button to get it and finish these first challenges once and for all.

Fortnite Chapter 2 - Open Water Challenges
It lands on steep cliffs, a bewildering village and harassing piers.
This challenge asks the player to land in these three different locations over an indefinite number of games. In order to complete this challenge, in essence, you will need to land in the areas mentioned above after jumping from the battle bus; remember that once you have landed you will be required to complete the game in some way, through defeat or victory, so as not to invalidate your progress. Exiting the main menu in fact the landing will not be counted and you will find yourself having to do it all over again.
Hide in shelters in different matches
This challenge asks the player to use shelters to hide in different games of Fortnite Chapter 2. Refuges are one of the new mechanics added to the title with the arrival of the update that allow the player to hide his character inside objects in order to ambush the unfortunate adversaries; these objects are, for example, garbage bins or hay heaps and can be used through the appropriate passage.
To complete this challenge quickly, we simply recommend that you land at Fattoria Frenetica and use the hay bales you have on hand to hide and complete the aforementioned challenge.
Look for coffers at Scosese Cliffs and Brumose Heath.
This challenge asks the player to go to the two locations mentioned above, craggy cliffs and misty moors in search of chests to open. Both locations have a very good number of boxes inside them, with two or even three boxes per house; if you can get there in a trouble-free route from other players you will have all the time in the world to go in search of the boxes, which will lead you to complete the challenge in just a couple of minutes. Remember that the wooden crates are surrounded by a golden aura and emit a special jingle that makes them recognizable even from a distance.
Kill enemies with the sniper rifle.
This challenge asks the player to make eliminations using only the sniper rifle as a weapon. Unlike past seasons of Fortnite the sniper rifle in this first week of Fortnite Chapter 2, the sniper rifle is one of the easiest weapons to find in the game world, which is why you often find yourself with a sniper rifle on your hands. Once you've solved the problem of the resources you need to use to complete this challenge, you'll only have to shoot down enemies, which is not easy but not impossible either. The sniper rifle, even in its less rare version, is able to do honest damage and honeshot enemies with a nice critical shot to the head, which means that if the player is equipped with a worthy aim, you can complete the challenge within three or four shots well placed on the scalps of our enemies. Remember that the sniper rifle is the only weapon in the game to have a bullet that is subject to the laws of ballistics, so try to get used to using them before you waste your shots.
Crouch down for ten seconds while you are 20 meters away from an enemy.
This challenge, very particular to tell the truth, asks the player to squat for ten seconds while you are at a distance of twenty meters. To complete this mission you need to have some nerves and a lot of materials because, basically, what we recommend you do is to stay close to this opponent boxing with the strongest materials you have, then remember to continuously rebuild any walls if our opponent will not consider you worthy of his company. Another clever way to complete this challenge is to find an opponent who is using a sniper rifle and go close to him without being seen too much, moving with him hoping that he doesn't start moving too quickly for your taste; fortunately twenty metres is a long enough distance to allow you to complete this challenge without being too conspicuous.
You inflict damage with guns.
This challenge asks the player to inflict damage to their opponents using only guns. Since Fortnite Chapter 2 has put almost all of the weapons of the old seasons in storage, this time finding a gun will be practically obligatory during your peregrinations as it is one of the most common weapons in the title. Find one, of good rarity if possible (or upgrade it through the workbenches scattered around the game map) and try to use it in close combat to make the most of its potential, doing so you will slowly achieve the damage necessary to complete the challenge.
Look for crates of ammunition in the course of a single match
This challenge asks the player to look for several crates of ammunition in the course of a single game. The ammunition crates are always the small metallic and greenish crates that you have learned to appreciate since the arrival of the old Fortnite man and are scattered seamlessly throughout virtually the entire game map. Compared to previous iterations of the title this time the ammunition crates seem to be even more, which is why you'll probably have even fewer problems than in the past with finding them; go around and make sure you open as much as possible, remembering to search even in nameless locations to complete this challenge.
Kill an enemy from a distance of fifty meters or more.
This challenge asks the player to eliminate an enemy from a distance of fifty meters or more. In order to complete this challenge, it is simply necessary to get rid of all the sniper rifle ammunition that will be found around the world Fortnite after opening a few crates and aiming at the face of our opponents, hoping with great power and sincerity to hit them and do as much damage as possible. To complete this challenge with greater simplicity we recommend you try the team brawl mode that, with its respawn, will allow you to play without the anxiety of continuous death and to exploit the respawn of your opponents to improve your shooting skills.
Survive the storm.
This challenge simply asks the player to survive a certain number of phases of the storm. Take advantage of this to land as far away as possible from the hot locations on the battle bus route, arm yourself and play with tremendous caution to avoid the crush and always navigate in the shadows; avoid waterways, avoid named locations, avoid human life; hide in shelters, hay or dumpsters to complete this challenge as well and reach the end of this week's challenges.
Find the letter O
This challenge asks the player to search for the letter O hidden within the open water loading screen. The letter is located near steep cliffs, at coordinates E1 and F1 on the game map. Here is a convenient map to go looking for it without too many problems. Once you arrive in this location you just have to get close to the letter, located under the wooden pier at one of the support poles of the structure.
Once found, all you have to do is press the contextual interaction button to get it and finish these first challenges once and for all.
If you also have problems with the wonderful world, Fortnite consult the guides we have created for you and your problems.
The guides are divided into two macro scripts, those related to the weekly challenges that Epic Games offers players through the battle pass (no generic challenges for now) and a series of encyclopaedia guides with all the relevant information if someone wants to have tips and tricks on how to better use weapons or where to land!