One of the best things about Fortnite's current season has been all of the skins. The Alter-Ego Challenge has given us some great skins and styles, and it looks like more are on the way. While Purple Remedy is not yet available in-game, leaks have revealed the steps to get your hands on this skin.
The first thing you will need to get is to get Rank 40 in the Battle Pass, to unlock the standard Remedy skin. Soon the “Remedy Vs. Toxin” mission will be added to the game as part of the Overtime End-of-Season Challenges. This will give us nine different challenges that we need to overcome in order to get our hands on Purple Remedy Skin.
- Visit different food trucks (0/3)
- Earn Survivor Silver Medals (0/3)
- Obtain the elimination of SMG (0/3)
- Search for chests in monuments (0/7)
- Reach 100 health points and 100 shield points in different games (0/3)
- Deal damage with a Common, Uncommon, and Rare weapon in a single match (0/3)
- Deal damage to enemy structure (2500)
- Achieve Weapon Specialist accolades by dealing damage with weapons (0/5)
- Be the first to catch a fish, land first from the battle bus, or get an elimination first (0/1)
As you can see there is a bit of work involved and the difficulty of finding the "Remedy Vs. Toxin" mission will depend on your skill level. However, this should be very achievable for most players.
When you've finished them all, you'll unlock the Purple Remedy style, as well as a Back Bling and Harvesting tool. It's a full outfit just for playing the game. We don't know when the mission will be added to the game, but leaks imply that it will happen before the end of the current season.