The Midas Fish was added to Fortnite in Chapter 2 of Season 4 and is one of the rarest fish in the game. All that is currently known about the fish is that it will transform all items. from your inventory of legendary items when you eat it. There are a lot of theories on how to catch it, but so far no one seems to have been able to find this one in a million fish yet.
We know you will need a professional fishing rod to get it. The Pro Fishing Rod can be obtained by upgrading a Fishing Rod normally on an Upgrade Bench using 100 Wood, Brick, and Metal. The Pro Fishing Rod will increase your chances of catching a rare fish, so this definitely seems like the way to go if you're on the hunt for the Midas fish.
As for where to spend your time fishing, the truth is, no one knows just yet. We have filtered through as many videos as we can find of people claiming to know how to catch this fish, but no one has caught it yet.
Fan theories
For now, we're going to go over some interesting fan theories on where you might catch this fish. Some people are working on the theory that a Midas fish is most likely to appear in the water around The Authority. The Authority was once the Agency, where Midas could be found patrolling the hallways, so it seems likely that a Midas Fish could return to his former lair.
Others are focusing their efforts on Slurpy Swamp, starting from the theory that the weird factory runoff turned Midas into fish, and that's why we didn't seem like it at all last season.
Our theory

We have a different theory that we are testing. It's a bit far-fetched, but with so many other people looking, we thought it was best to do our part and participate. We are focusing our efforts in the sea region northwest of Sweaty Sands and southwest of Coral Castle. Why? Because the last time we saw Midas he was on a raft, hit by the tidal wave at the start of Season 3.
A few weeks after the start of Season 3, a boat appeared in this area with broadcast material and a Ghost flag. We believe Midas was on this boat, trying to organize and get Ghost back on top. If it was turned into a fish, it is believed to have been there when it happened.
For now, all you can really do is grab your fishing rod and find a nice, quiet part of the map and start fishing. We will regularly update this article with more information as people find this elusive fish.