Ceribou, the Berry-like Grass-type Pokémon, you'll need to spot it if you want to fill your Pokédex. This cute little Pokemon is back in Sword and Shield. Ceribou is difficult to find as it does not appear in the planetary world, nor as a hidden encounter in tall grass. It can only be found in very specific places.
To find Ceribou, you will need to investigate the berries and shrubs that appear throughout the game. You should have encountered them already as you explore the world. You can run around and interact with them to shake the berries off their branches, and if you shake enough times, a Pokemon falls on your face and you have to fight them.
The best place to look for Ceribou is on Route 3. There is a solitary Berry Tree that has the greatest chance of spawning a Ceribou. The trick is to save the game right before you shake the tree, then keep shaking until a Pokemon falls. If it's not Ceribou, reload from the save file and try again. Ceribou can also spawn in berries in The trees at all of the locations listed below, but with a much lower probability percentage of around five percent.
- Coupenotte's Eye
- Bridge field
- Spotted grove
- Giant's beanie
- The giant's mirror
- Giant's seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Outrage Lake
- River motostoke
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling fields
- Watchtower ruins
The last place you might find a Ceribou is in Max Raid Battles, but it's pretty slim due to the sheer number of Pokémon that can spawn there.