The last few hours have seen a slew of fixes arriving for Warframe, but fear not, we have all of the patch notes below. The first, 27.0.11, is a big fix, while the others make only minor changes to the game. In typical Digital Extremes fashion, the fixes are thick and fast.
Railjack Reactors got a few welcome buffs, granting more Avionics ability with each level. If you're looking for this shadowy instinct, you'll have to wait, as it has been temporarily removed due to stability issues. Don't worry, it should be a long time until he's back in the game.
You can find all of the patch notes below.
Empyrean: Ivara Prime 27.0.11
The major buffings of the reactor:
Much like you and your New Years Resolutions, we're here with some of our own (although maybe not as buff as yours - you're gorgeous, we have to say).
Introducing global buffs for all types of reactors found in the wild. Any existing gear you have will simply be adjusted for the avionics ability, which will automatically be a buff in all cases (note: the Vidar III range has been significantly reduced from a 30 -100 range to the new 90 -100 range, but we will not give you lower adjustments if you had a Vidar III engine with avionics capacity values in the 90-100 range before this change).
Lavan Reactor Mk I: Avionics capacity now from 20 to 30 (from 10 to 20)
Lavan Reactor Mk II: Avionics capacity now from 50 to 60 (from 10 to 40)
Lavan Mk III reactor: Avionics capacity now from 80 to 90 (from 20 to 70)
Vidar Reactor Mk I: Avionics capacity now from 30 to 40 (from 10 to 25)
Vidar Reactor Mk II: Avionics capacity now from 60 to 70 (from 20 to 50)
Vidar Reactor Mk III: Avionics capacity now from 90 to 100 (from 30 to 100)
Zetki Mk I Reactor: Avionics capacity now from 10 to 20 (from 5 to 10)
Zetki Reactor Mk II: Avionics capacity now from 40 to 50 (from 5 to 30)
Zetki Mk III reactor: Avionics capacity now from 70 to 80 (from 10 to 50)
With these changes, it's important to note how we got from point A to point B. When we initially set up the avionics values for these awards, we didn't anticipate the extent of frustration with the ranges, but in hindsight, we should have. Thanks to your feedback, we are able to do large and major buffs with confidence.
Elimination of Dark Ephemera and Future Acquisition:
TEMPORARILY the Dark Ephemera have been removed as a drop from the Enhanced Sentiment Containers aboard the Sentient Anomaly at Veil Proxima. The drop method poses many problems in terms of connectivity stability and player frustration. We are going to change the acquisition method which will not involve a direct drop rate in the near future Hotfix / Update, and will rather be closer to a token system (complete X Anomaly missions to buy Ephemera from a supplier ).
- Dark instants will return as soon as possible in a better acquisition method
Railjack additions, modifications and fixes:
- Affinity gained from all of Omni's repair and forge actions aboard the Railjack is now shared with the team!
- Previously, only the player who performed the repair with the Omni / Forge tool gained Affinity. Now, when a person completes tasks with the Omni or Forge tool, the affinity is shared among all members. This isn't limited to those aboard the Railjack - those who fly in your Archwing or take out crews will benefit as well. The goal here is to make the efforts of one benefit all and ultimately help each other earn Intrinsics for shared activities that keep Railjack afloat.
- The wreckage limit has been changed to match the existing Riven method in terms of the behavior of the limit for the player. Instead of automatically destroying the wreckage when you are over the limit, a prompt will appear when returning to the dry dock stating that the above limit wreckage needs to be dealt with before you can start another Railjack mission.
- Partially funded or pending wreck repairs (timer has not expired yet) can now be canceled! The res