Slowpoke are plentiful in Pokemon Sword and Shield's Isle of
Armor DLC. That being said, the only Slowpoke you'll find in the New Nature
area are new Galarian forms with yellow tops and evolve into a new
Slowbro. Here's how you can get the original Kantonian Slowpoke and evolve it
in Slowking in the new Isle of Armor expansion.
How to get Kantonian Slowpoke and evolve it into Slowking in
Pokemon sword and shield armor island
As noted above, there are many Galarian Slowpoke in
the Isle of Armor from the first moment you step off the Corviknight
Taxi. These particular Pokémon can be used to obtain Galarian Slowbro now and
Galarian Slowling in the second expansion, Crown Tundra comes out. We want
Original slowpoke for this.
When you arrive at the Isle of Armor, you are introduced to a
coach who lost 150 Alolan Digletts. They are scattered across the
entire island and rewards various versions of Pokemon not available in Sword and
Shield before that. If you find 10 Diglett and talk to him, he will give you a
Kantonian Slowpoke.
Need help finding Digletts? Check out our guide to the location of every Diglett on the Isle of Armor.
Fortunately, the Slowpoke he gives us contains an element called
a King's Rock. Now it is important to note that if you want the original
Slow down, do NOT take this Slowpoke to level 37. If you do this, it
evolve into Slowbro, and Slowbro cannot evolve. Instead, find a friend that you
can swap the Slowpoke while holding the King's Rock. This will
Slowpoke evolves into Slowking. Ask your friend to swap it and now you can add
the original Slowking at your party.
Make sure you stick with Gamepur for the future Pokemon Sword and
Shield guides.