Is the ticket to the Galarian Mr. Mime event worth it?
With most Pokémon GO tickets, they are well worth the value. Of course, this is easy to achieve when you only charge $ 1. However, the ticket to the Galarian Mr. Mine event costs $ 7,99 or your local equivalent. This makes it one of the more expensive tickets to Pokémon GO, outside of big events like GO Fest. So, is it worth buying at such a high price?
Well, it depends a lot on your situation and how much you plan to play during the event, but the short answer is a no. With such a high ticket price and the biggest reward for it being Galarian M. Mime, which should be available for free some time later, it is difficult to justify purchasing the ticket for the Galarian M. Mime event unless that you are not a hardcore and competitive gamer. .
But it's also true that for that $ 8 you get over $ 8 worth of items in Pokémon GO. The rewards for the ticket seem already known and are listed below (watch for updates in case this information is incorrect or changes)…
- 3 premium combat passes
- 3 super incubators
- 3 rare candies
- 1 Poffino
- 2 ice lures
- 3 incense
- 3 star pieces
- 30 Ultra balls
- 1 exclusive training pose
- Meetings with Alolan Vulpix, Jigglypuff, Jynx, Whismur, Chimecho, Snorunt, Lapras, Woobat and Cubchoo
- A meeting with Mr. Galarian Mime (with enough Candy to evolve into Mr. Rime)
Battle Passes, Incense, Super Incubators, and Glacial Decoys are all great and if you add them together you'll pay more by purchasing them outside of the event. But would you buy them separately if it weren't for the event? If the answer is yes, take the ticket without hesitation. But I guess the answer is no for most players, which also means the event ticket is probably not worth it for you for the rewards.
However, the event is a celebration of the Galarian Mr. Mime making his first visit to Pokémon GO. And it may be worth it for you, too. If you just need to be the first person with a full Pokédex or have serious FOMO issues, of course, you'll want to grab the ticket. For the rest of you, if you can be patient, don't need the rewards or won't play a lot during the event, which takes place on Saturday December 19th from 10am to 20pm, then you can easily skip this one. the.
So that's our assessment on whether the Galarian Mr. Mine event ticket is worth it in Pokémon GO. It depends on the player, but it's an easier 'no' than almost any other ticketed event in the past.