Most Pokémon evolve as they level up. It's really simple, but some require specific moves, unique items, or leveling up at the right time of day. There are as many evolutionary methods as there are Pokemon, so if you get stuck on a Pokemon that you caught in Crown Tundra and want to discover all the new forms, press [[Ctrl + F] and search.
All New, Returning, and Legendary Pokémon | Isle of Armor Pokedex | How to get to the Isle of Armor | How to use the Cram-O-Matic | List of recipes | How To Make A Max Soup | Gigantamax Improvement Guide | How to Complete the Three Master Dojo Trials | Walkthrough | How to earn and evolve Kubfu | Legendary Guide to Irshifu | How To Evolve Galar Slowpoke Into Slowbro | Evolution guide
All new evolution methods | Crown Tundra DLC
The Crown Tundra DLC includes a load of new and returning Pokémon. Some of these Pokémon have unique evolutionary methods - here we will see what these evolutionary methods are and how to acquire the items / moves you need. .
- Nidoran [Female / Male]
- Evolves to Nidorina / Nidorino: Reach level 16
- Evolves to Nidoqueen / Nidoking: use the moonstone
- Zubat
- Evolves to Golbat: Reach level 22
- Evolve to Crobat: Level Up with Happiness 220
- Omanyte
- Evolves to Omastar: Reach level 40
- Kabuto
- Evolves to Kabutops: Reach level 40
- Dratini
- Evolves to Dragonair: Reach level 30
- Evolves into Dragonite: Reach level 55
- Smoochum
- Evolves to Jynx: Reach level 30
- Elekid
- Evolves into Electrabuzz: Reach level 30
- Evolves into Electrivire: exchange with the object held by Electirizer
- Magby
- Evolves to Magmar: Reach level 30
- Evolves into Magmortar: exchange with the item held by Magmarizer
- Treecko
- Evolves to Grovyle: Reach level 16
- Evolves into Sceptile: Reach level 36
- Torchic
- Evolves into Combusken: reach level 16
- Evolves to Blaziken: Reach level 36
- Mudkip
- Evolves to Marshtomp: Reach level 16
- Evolves to Swampert: Reach level 36
- Aron
- Evolves to Lairon: Reach level 32
- Evolves to Aggron: Reach level 42
- Swablu
- Evolves to Altaria: Reach level 35
- Lileep
- Evolves into Cradily: Reach level 40
- Anorith
- Evolves into Armaldo: Reach level 40
- Sphéal
- Evolves into Sealeo: Reach level 32
- Evolves to Walrein: Reach level 44
- Wagon
- Evolves into Shelgon: Reach level 30
- Evolves into Salamence: reach level 50
- Beldum
- Evolves to Metang: Reach level 20
- Evolves to Metagross: Reach level 45
- Gible
- Evolves into Gabite: reach level 24
- Evolves to Garchomp: Reach level 48
- Tirtouga
- Evolves to Carracosta: Reach level 37
- Archen
- Evolves into Archeops: Reach level 37
- Tornado / Thunder / Landorus
- Change into embodied form: use the revealing glass
- Change to Therian Shape: Use the Reveal Glass
- Genesect
- Go electric: shock drive
- Go to fire: burn the drive
- Change to Ice: Chill Drive
- Switch to Water: Douse Drive
- Tire;
- Evolves to Tyrantrum: Reach level 39 during the day
- Amaura
- Evolves into Aurorus: Reach level 39 overnight
- Poipole
- Evolve to Naganadel: Level up with Dragon Pulse
How To Evolve All The New Pokémon In The Galar Region | Evolution guide | What is exclusive to each version? | How To Catch Shiny Pokémon | Pick that Starter Pokémon for a Quick Advantage | How to easily upgrade Farfetch'd to Sirfetch'd | Brilliant Aura System | How To Catch An Improved Pokémon | Combined and ultimate movements | Move tutors locations | How To Catch Pokemon Easier | Guide to False Sweeping and Hypnosis | Easter Egg Guide, Secrets & References