Pokémon Masters will give you a lot of trainers through story missions, but you can also find them using Sync Pair Scouts at the Pokémon Center. Sync Pair Scouts will bring you a new Sync Pair. If you don't currently have one, it will be added to your collection. If you get multiples of the same sync pair, it will increase their power. In this guide, we'll show you the odds for each sync pair.
Pokemon Masters - All Trainers and Chances are Few with Sync Pair Scouts
- Brendan and Treecko - 1,4%
- Karen and Houndoom - 1,4%
- Kris and Totodile - 1,4%
- Olivia and Lycanroc - 1,4%
- Phoebe and Dusclops - 1,4%
- Agatha and Gengar - 1,11%
- Blaine and Ponyta - 1,11%
- Bruno and Machamp - 1,11%
- Drake et Salamence – 1,11%
- Gardenia and Roserade - 1.11%
- Grant and Amaura- 1.11%
- Khaili and Toucannon - 1,11%
- Lorelei et Lapras – 1,11%
- Marshal and Conkeldurr - 1,11%
- Noland and Pinsir - 1,11%
- Roxie et Whirlipede – 1,11%
- Shauntal et Chandelure - 1.11%
- Siebold and Clawitzer - 1,11%
- Sophodes and Togedemaru - 1,11%
- Thorton and Bronzong - 1,11%
- Whitney and Miltank - 1,11%
- Wikstrom and Aegislash - 1.11%
- Will and Xatu - 1,11%
- Brawly and Makuhita - 3,65%
- Brycen and Cryogonal - 3,65%
- Bugsy and Beedril - 3,65%
- Candice et Abomasnow – 3,65%
- Cheryl et Blissey – 3,65%
- Clay and Palpitoad - 3,65%
- Crasher Wake and Floatzel - 3,65%
- Janine and Ariados - 3,65%
- Liza et Lunatone - 3,65%
- Lt. Surge and Voltorb – 3,65%
- Marley et Arcanine - 3,65%
- Marlon and Carracosta - 3,65%
- Maylene et Meditite - 3,65%
- Mina and Granbull - 3,65%
- Ramos and Weepinbell - 3,65%
- Roark and Cranidos - 3,65%
- Roxanne and Nosepass - 3,65%
- Tate and Solrock - 3,65%
- Winona and Peilpper - 3,65%
- Wulfric and Avalugg - 3,65%
As more Trainers are discovered or added to the game, we will update the list accordingly.