Marta is very worried. He's been trying to locate his daughter for hours, but nothing. After more than 15 calls, 6 voice messages and two calming messages, a voice is heard on the other side.
– Ciao.
- Hello! HI LUCIA!
- Yes mom, what's up?
- Well, you don't know how much you scared me! I was going to call the police! Why didn't you answer? Are you OK?
Your daughter's answer is the same as always. He carried his cell phone in silence and did not listen to it.
Today, the vast majority of people carry their cell phones in silence. And for this reason, when they browse social networks, the audio of the videos is not played.
In other words, by putting your phone to silence, it realizes that you don't want it to emit any sound (including the video nugget in which you invested so much money for your campaign).
And this is one of the big reasons why many brands put subtitles on their videos.
Also, by inserting subtitles, you make the content:
- Consumed by the uncle who does not hear well, without having to turn up the volume of the hearing aid.
- Understood by the new Korean student, she still gets 0 in Spanish, but can change the subtitle language.
- It catches the attention of Lucia, who gets mad at her mother for calling her once a day, but spends 2 hours in front of the Facebook screen.
To get these and many other benefits, here's a guide with the tools and services you need to subtitle your content.
Professional subtitling tools

Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe is a company specializing in digital tools for professional jobs. Therefore, creating, loading and coordinating captions with Premiere Pro can be a little more complicated than with many other tools.
Sure. If what you are looking for is a good job, this is the tool you need.
Visual secondary synchronization
As the name suggests, one of the main features of this software lies in the ease it offers to synchronize a subtitle with the video's audio.
That way, you at least make sure an actor doesn't speak while sneezing.
Not a minor detail: it's free.
Subtitle Workshop
It is one of the most used tools due to its simplicity and interface design. Another feature that distinguishes this software is the ability to work in separate windows when creating subtitles in different languages.
This makes it a firm favorite with translation agencies, which we'll talk about later.
Oh, and it's free too.
More than a tool, services you can trust
Continuing with the idea of having quality texts in many languages, we come to the section of having a translation agency for this job.
When your tool doesn't subtitle automatically, you need to provide the text. And if your idea is that the content is perfectly understood in different parts of the world, then you need the help of experienced professionals in the field.
A quick Google search should give you a list of local or online career resources. When choosing, the Tomedes translation agency works with professional translators and software around the world, enabling them to receive content in a wide variety of formats and deliver it to their clients in any way they require.
An excellent alternative, without a doubt, and for a price usually lower than what many think (in economic terms and execution times).

Tools that caption automatically
The video giant has speech recognition technology that can automatically identify and transcribe what the robot hears.
This option is very practical and versatile (since the user can choose the language in which the subtitle is played), but at the same time it can have many errors.
Anyone trying to give voice directions to their car's GPS knows what I'm talking about.
This tool incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) technology that allows you to easily upload your video and automatically add subtitles via voice recognition.
To correct any errors (very possible) you can also edit the automatically generated text to get a quality subtitle. Highly recommended.
It has a limited free version and a paid subscription, which already turns it into a professional tool.
Perfect subtitling apps for mobile devices
Movavi Video Suite
It is one of the most recognized applications for video editing.
What makes it a favorite for social networks is its ability to upload files directly to Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.
If your idea is to create video content channels in a practical way, this option is highly recommended.
It has more than 50 million downloads on Google PlayStore and 4,3 stars from its users. These are more than enough parameters to have this tool among your possibilities.
Oh, and if that's not enough, it's free.
Why so much subtitled content?
There are many reasons that lead us to think that subtitling is one of the best options for our content to be more accessible and have a greater reach, both to other cultures, such as Marta's daughter, who has her cell phone in silence.