The Covid-19 pandemic has completely changed the way we work and live socially, which is why various communication tools are used on the internet, such as social networks, videoconferencing applications with integrated chat and the use of video for courses. training, workouts, etc.
However, the experience in using these resources is often bad, for several reasons: communication interruptions, poor audio and / or video quality, and other problems that cause communication not to be as functional as desirable.
The main problem is the service saturation that internet and cell phone providers are currently experiencing, since virtually everyone with a computer or portable device uses several communication resources at the same time and no provider was willing to meet this. large and growing demand for services.
Providers are known to be scaling up their infrastructure as much as possible, but it's not a quick or easy task. In addition to this fact - where there is nothing to do as users - we can always improve the conditions of our environment in order not to add an extra problem to the aforementioned failures. We will look at some basic tips for optimize your Internet connection through the main methods:
Optimize your internet connection via Ethernet

In the case of computers, the best way to optimize your Internet connection is to always try to establish a physical connection via an Ethernet cable, connected to the router or modem that the service provider provides, in any available port where it has the LAN label.
Connection management on the Mac is automatic as long as the computer is in DHCP network mode. If this system resource has not been changed, the configuration is from the source and no further action is required.
When checking that the computer is connected to the internet, it is convenient to disconnect the Wifi to distinguish the Ethernet service as unique. If there is no service on the Ethernet connection, on your Mac computer you can verify that the connection is in DHCP mode in System Preferences, under the Network icon, by clicking where it says Ethernet, to the left of the box.
Ethernet cables are available almost everywhere computers are sold and are very inexpensive. If the required size is not found, it can be requested from the workshops where maintenance services for IT equipment are offered. The maximum distance this cable supports is 100 meters, which distance will not need to be covered in most cases.
Optimize your internet connection via Wi-Fi

If connecting to Ethernet is not possible, the other option is Wi-Fi. In this service there are several problems that we can solve, when there is poor reception or service interruptions.
Wifi is a low-intensity radio signal, so the service is interrupted at an extreme distance from the computer to antennas (no more than 20 meters), walls and doors, electrical appliances near the router, other Wi-Fi signals from nearby routers and unauthorized use of the service by third parties.
The best way to optimize your Internet connection is to place your computer and mobile equipment as close as possible to the router, avoiding the side or center walls, and place the router with the antennas in a high position where there is the best possible access. the general environment… Make sure there are no refrigerators, microwave ovens and other electromechanical equipment nearby.
In most routers there are two connection options: 2,4 MHz and 5 MHz. The first service solves distance and obstacles better, having a lower transfer rate, and the second service does not solve distance and obstacles well. , having a better transfer speed. You need to take tests to find out which service is best for each case. Sometimes moving your computer can improve connectivity issues.
The 5 MHz service is less used, and has a greater choice of communication channels so that neighboring routers practically do not pollute the transmission and it is preferable to use it.
The 2,4 MHz service is used by the vast majority of equipment, and manufacturers typically program channel 6 for communication by default, so there is too much contamination from nearby equipment.
You can change the features of the service on your router, and each brand has different ways of doing this. Speaking with the technical service of the Internet provider, you get assistance to change the communication channel and also to change the security method and the wireless passcode that comes by default, to prevent the signal from being stolen by someone - which is it commonly happens - as there is never a neighbor who takes advantage of the lack of security on computers to browse for free or even to log into computers and have access to personal files, banking passwords and other private information.
If they have suffered from "hacking" or know someone who has suffered it, it is very likely that the invasion took place via Wifi as most people do not have the precaution to better configure their equipment. It is also not recommended to use public Wi-Fi services, which are free and without passwords, which are nothing more than an easy way to catch the unwary.
If you are using conference calling or online presentation applications and experiencing transmission errors, video jams, or audio dropouts, your internet signal may not be the fault of anything else. In this case, we recommend that you temporarily disable virus protection applications and any other applications that consume processor and video card resources.
It must be said that Zoom is the most used application today and has a high saturation of the service, so it is better to use other applications such as Skype, which in its new version has better quality and better support for cloud servers ..
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