Armor plays an important role in Monster Hunter World. Between raw defense and elemental defense, players will need to plan their loadout before a hunt. Iceborne adds new monsters and with it new armor and new armor stats.
There are a lot of factors that go into deciding which armor set is definitely the best. It can be argued that it is impossible to make this decision since all have their strengths. What we define is lacking in raw defense that it could compensate for in elemental defense. Digital Trends has a list of the best Iceborne armor.
Best Total Defense: Velkhana +
After the first Dragon Elder established in World, it is probably not surprising that Iceborne the Lighthouse Elder Dragon would have one of the best sets in the game. It will take some time to gather the materials needed for this set, which will not be the case. It's not surprising either. Grinding is an essential characteristic of Monster Hunter. This complete set offers 771 total defense and 20 ice defenses. This comes at a cost with a -15 in terms of fire defense.
Best Elemental Defense
In terms of elemental damage, this response varies depending on the armor set. Fulgur Anjanath offers good resistance to thunder but will be very weak on ice. Meanwhile, the Viper Kadachi has excellent water resistance, but with -15 thunder and then -10 on ice it has its weaknesses.
One of the changes with Iceborne was with elemental damage. That is to say, it was polite. Players could get away with avoiding using elemental damage before, relying on raw damage dealt. While this will always be a factor, elemental damage now weighs heavily in battle. Accordingly, it is advisable to prepare your build for a monster item.
Elemental damage changes are the reason it is difficult to give a definitive answer to the best armor installed in the world. Monster Hunter World Iceborne. The Velkhana has the highest numbers, but that doesn't make it the best armor.