The dragon Ender was the first boss put in Minecraft and while it sounds intimidating, taking down this dragon isn't as bad as you might think.
What do you need
- A diamond / neerite sword, enchantments encouraged but not required
- Full Diamond / Netherite Armor
- Diamond / Netherite Pickaxe
- A bow / crossbow
- Steak or pork chops
- Golden apples
- Slow fall potions
- Regeneration potions
- Ender Beads
- End stone
- Glass bottles
- Bucket of water
First steps towards victory
The first thing you need to do when entering the end, Ender's Dragon Realm, is destroy Ender's crystals. These crystals heal the dragon and will make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to defeat while active. They are found on tall obsidian towers. To get to the top, your best bet is to shoot crystals at the shorter towers with your bow, then use end beads to teleport from one tower to the next after destroying each crystal. Some crystals are behind iron bars, which you can break through or break with your pickaxe. Once you've destroyed them, you can finally start the fight.
Keep in mind that the dragon will attempt to knock you down from these towers, while circling any towers he might dive into or fire a fireball at the player. If you are launched into the air by a dive attack you will die from fall damage unless you use a Slow Fall Potion, Water, or Ender Pearl.

Fight the dragon
Once all the crystals have been destroyed, the real fight begins. Head to the Islands portal and create small end stone stairs on four sides of the portal. The dragon attack pattern will cause it to perch on the center spire of the portal. At this point, on one of your constructed stairs, attack the dragon with your sword, trying to get as many critical hits as possible.
While perched on the pillar, the dragon will use its dragon's breath, which can be collected in glass bottles. When you see this, go to another staircase around the portal and keep attacking. Be careful as this is considered magical and will penetrate all player armor. After receiving enough damage or performing 4 consecutive breath attacks, the dragon will return to circle the island.
After repeating this maneuver of attacking, dodging, and rotating around the pillars, you should be able to understand the dragon's specific pattern and reduce its health to zero. The dragon has 200 health, so it may take a while. While the idea of fighting this dragon is simple, don't underestimate the threat of this opponent. You should also keep in mind that The End is also home to Endermen. Do your best to keep your eyes on the dragon to make sure you don't get unwanted attention.