Minecraft Caves & Cliffs update arrives in summer 2021 and comes with a plethora of new mobs, land formations, and a whole new ore - copper. While we have a new type of ore in the Nether update, it's been a while since a new type of ore was introduced to the outside world, the most recent being Emerald. Caves & Cliffs will also be the first update to add an ore that changes in appearance over time.
Research and use of copper
It is important to note that copper will only be a semi-precious ore, rather than a rare rank ore like gold or diamond, so it won't be very difficult to find.
Copper can be made into blocks, slabs and stairs, which makes it perfect for decoration; but if you want that shiny bronze look forever, you might be out of luck. Once copper ingots are shaped into any shape and placed, they will naturally oxidize over time.
It won't change any game mechanics or interactive elements - the changes over time are purely cosmetic.

The image above details what a building can look like in the middle of the oxidation process. Once enough time has passed, the block will fully transform into that shade of green, but this process will take several day-night cycles, so don't expect this to happen overnight.
Design-wise, this would be perfect for rebuilding something like the Statue of Liberty, perhaps the most iconic oxidized monument. Or you can make your own design, and maybe in due time it will be iconic as well.