Among the many features that have convinced tens of millions of users around the world to use it, i Groups, Supergroups and Telegram Channels they are certainly one of the main ones. These communication systems allow you to get in direct contact with thousands of users scattered all over the world and exchange messages, photos, videos, voice notes, even large files and anything that can travel with them on the messaging platform designed by Pavel Durov.
I channels, then, they represent a unicuum in the instant messaging apps landscape. In other words, these are groups in which only the creator (and the editors chosen by him) will be able to send messages, while all other users will be able to read what has been sent at most, without the possibility of commenting, replying or starting conversations themselves. In short, tools to send communications unilaterally, much more useful than you can imagine.
For some time now, Telegram channels have been used to send information of all kinds: from daily news to offers on Amazon, from discount codes to information on social events and appointments. In short, if used wisely and intelligently channels are very powerful means of communication, thanks to which to get in touch with authoritative sources and find useful information in the most varied fields.
How to enter Telegram channels
There are several methods for entering a Telegram channel. The first passes from the internal search engine of the platform: press the magnifying glass icon at the top of the screen, enter a search key and, once you have found the channel you are interested in, press it on. When you are inside, press the "Join" button and you will be one of the members of the channel. Alternatively, you can join a channel in case find its link on the web (a simple Google search should help you) or some of your contacts send it to you.
Best Telegram news channels
As mentioned, Telegram channels are mainly used to receive news and updates on topics that interest us. Most of the in your lenguagen newspapers and information portals have their own channel through which they can directly reach the most loyal readers. A few examples? Ansa, Repubblica and La Stampa have their own channels, as do La Gazzetta dello Sport, Corriere dello Sport and Serie A football.
Best Telegram Music Channels
Telegram channels, however, can also be excellent sources to get the latest news on your favorite bands or to "find" copyright-free music to use, for example, when editing videos to publish on YouTube. Again, there are dozens of different channels to choose from: by subscribing to MTV you will receive information, news and curiosities from the world of pop music and beyond; Musicale, on the other hand, is the perfect channel if you want to stay up to date on music. in your lenguagen; CCtracks, on the other hand, will send various tracks every day free of copyright and freely usable in any project.
Best cooking Telegram channels
Are you passionate about cooking but are always short of ideas? Just subscribe to the most suitable Telegram channel to always discover new recipes. Giallozafferano, RicetteWeb and PrimoCHEF are three of the best channels dedicated to cooking: every day you will discover dozens of delicious and easy-to-make recipes: just buy the ingredients on the list and follow the instructions to prepare dream dishes.
The best Telegram channels