With the last one Telegram update, which brings the instant messaging app to the version 5.8, new useful features arrive that make the application even more powerful and more comfortable to use, both in a business and private context. The main novelties are two: the possibility of add contacts without knowing the phone number and the functionality to create location-based groups.
La version 5.8 of Telegram has already been released and is available on the App Store, Play Store and Apk Mirror. Naturally, the new features are also managed with an eye to user privacy, given that the security of user data is the workhorse of Telegram since its inception in 2013. The version for iPhone it also allows you to use Siri to chat with specific contacts and to customize the appearance of the application, including the application icon. It is also possible to preview the themes directly from the settings.
Add contacts to Telegram without the phone number
Telegram has always been used both from mobile devices and from the Web and this has also made it successful as a chat for remote work. However, it was still necessary know the phone number of a contact you wanted to start a chat with. This is no longer the case and you can add new contacts if the user you want to contact is simply nearby. For this to be possible you need to go to Contacts> Add people nearby and that those people have set the app so that they can be added this way. This feature will come in handy if you make a new acquaintance at an event, party, or even a business meeting.
Create local communities with Telegram
The second big news of version 5.8 of Telegram is the ability to host local communities based on location. Also in the section “People in the vicinity” there is also the item “Groups in the vicinity”. Anyone can create a group based on the geographic location and this option can be used for the most varied purposes: from quick communication with the tenants of your condominium to sharing photos, videos and messages during concerts or other entertainment events. All of this could transform Telegram in a real time marketing tool: if the organizers of a concert, for example, create an official group for the participants of the event, within that group everyone can publish their photos but also see any messages from the organizers and, why not, from the sponsors.
Telegram, how to add contacts without knowing the phone number