The last update of Telegram brought with it some fun news. Messaging app users can give app conversations a new look by starting to leverage animated and customizable backgrounds in their chats, as well as other interesting additions to the design all to discover.
The application has always had an eye on it graphic style. It is not the first time that users have the opportunity to interact with its characterizing elements: it had already happened in the past with stickers and emoji animate, just to name a few. On this occasion, however, in the Telegram headquarters they wanted to do things big by focusing on a detail - and a type of interaction - that is particularly important, such as the image in the background of the chats. For this, an advanced system has been created that can be modified at will, in order to make the app closer to the user's tastes.
Telegram, how live wallpapers work
Customizable animated wallpapers were never previously introduced in a messaging application. It is about multicolored patterns, nuanced, which are generated by a special algorithm that applies a particular movement in conjunction with sending a message.
The animations created by the Telegram designers have already been added to the predefined themes available within the app. Up Android you can find them by navigating to the Chat Settings> Change Chat Background menu; on iOS, however, the path is Appearance> Chat Background.
If these are not enough or satisfy the needs of users, the platform offers the possibility of creating new ones, to share with your friends. To do this, simply set in the options three or four different tones needed to bring the animation to life; later you can choose a reason, that is, small drawings superimposed on the color gradations. Once the steps have been completed, you can proceed with forwarding to the contacts who will in turn be able to use them in the same chat or in further conversations.
Telegram, the other graphic novelties
Animated wallpapers aren't the only graphic gimmick of the release. In fact, even stickers and emojis (increased in number with the update) have undergone a small but useful change, with a lower battery consumption when sending by message. And just the bubbles which contain the messages, on the Cupertino operating system, become semi-transparent, allowing you to see the background at the top and bottom of the conversation. Still on iOS, the icon available, visible in Settings> Appearance.
Telegram focuses on movement: customizable animated wallpapers arrive