Important news from Telegram. The Durov brothers, in fact, have launched Telegra.ph, a platform dedicated to the world of blogging. Telegra.ph it comes with a minimal, almost anonymous interface, where you just need to enter a title, your name, and start writing - or copy and paste - whatever you want.
Anyone who writes online for passion or profession will immediately realize that Telegra.ph is a very light blogging platform. One glance is enough to realize this. But another detail immediately catches the eye… where are the formatting tools? How do i add images? And the videos? Telegram offers basic tools to work on a “graphic” level on text, but relies on Markdown for more professional formatting. For the rest, there is the essential… the commands are all there, but they appear only when needed. The story ends with a click or tap on Publish.
Simple, fast and anonymous
Telegra.ph offers all the tools necessary to write an article without pretending to be a CMS (Content Management System), or rather a professional platform to manage an entire site. It allows you to create an article page with all the necessary elements: title, author, body of the text and images. There is no shortage of basic tools to format, even in a more "lively" way thanks to Markdown's hand, to add images within the text - complete with captions - to insert tweets, videos (from YouTube and Vimeo) simply by copying the link and pressing Submit (enter). Then? Once the article is finished, copy the URL and paste it wherever you want, send it by email or share it on social networks. That's all. If then, it can happen, you change your mind or realize a "typo", a click (or touch) on Edit And that's it. But it is possible to take advantage of this opportunity only as long as the browser session is active. Telegra.ph, as mentioned, does not require the registration of an account which, if on the one hand makes the publication of an article extremely convenient and fast, on the other hand it casts some shadow on its possible use, as it were, not correct. What if someone pretended to be someone else, for example? Assuming the identity of others in Telegra.ph is very simple ...
Telegram also pulls out of the hat ...
Telegra.ph it is not the only news coming from the new 3.14 version of Telegram. The instant messenger program also introduces other functions. L'Instant opening (Instant View in English) allows, as the name suggests, instant access to articles from Medium.com and other sites, a bit like Instant Articles (interactive articles in in your lenguagen) by Facebook and Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) for instant loading of "heavy" content such as graphics, videos, and highly elaborate advertisements. Other news are i Groups in common which shows - in the profile of their contacts - the list of all the groups we share with that person, Go to date which allows you to view messages sent on a specific day using the calendar. And a new wave of stickers could not be missing to enliven the chats.
Telegram launches Telegraph, the anonymous publishing platform