The Kapala is a return weapon from. This unique sword can only be found by sacrificing enemies at Kali Shrine - a blood altar that appears randomly throughout the game. If you don't know what this shrine is for, this is what it is for. is. Here is the fastest way to earn Kapala and keep ridiculously high health.
Don't fall into the lava. Or a bottomless pit. Or climb on a spike trap. Or fall for one of the endless instant death traps that litter virtually every corner of this game.
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le chief is one of the most valuable weapons in the game. You will earn it by sacrificing animals / enemies to the Kali shrine - these are the spooky altars covered in blood that you will find on some levels. These occur at all stages and always in relatively large rooms.
The Kapala is a unique knife that allows slain enemies to drop blood items. Picking up these items will heal you - yes, seriously! Get enough victories and you will get extra VP. It's one of the best ways to constantly heal yourself, and getting it isn't that hard.
- To win the Kapala, you must do sacrifices at the altar of Kali.
- Live animals / enemies are worth more. They must be in a stunned state (yellow stars) to sacrifice.
- A stunned animal companion (the animals you save for +1 HP) are worth the most. Two sacrificed live animals will receive the Kapala.
Remember that you can sacrifice NPC helpers, traders, or enemies. Any enemy that leaves a body behind can be sacrificed. Just throw the body on the altar! Your animal buddies - the damselfish replacement - can also be sacrificed. It's a cruel fate, but sometimes it's the only way.
Animals are the best sacrifices. You can earn the Kapala early if you're lucky by sacrificing two. The Kapala gives you the power to heal yourself by collecting blood from enemies, and it's incredibly useful for long runs.