How to activate cheats
To activate tips, press tilde [`] ou F1 to access the console window. Then enter the following codes:
Enabling "cht_bEnableCheats = 1" will unlock the Cheat menu. To access the cheat menu, pause [Esc] then press [F3] to open the menu. Here you can choose to skip levels, spawn monsters, or turn cheats on / off.
Enabling "cht_bEnableCheats = 3" will unlock Cheats Developer. This allows you to enter console commands for special effects that you won't find in the Cheat menu.
Cheats such as "God Mode" are only available in Developer Cheats. To activate a developer cheat, enter a code from the list of tips below.
List of cheaters
Press the tilde [`] or [F1] to open the console window and enter cheat commands. "1" or "0" activates or deactivates a cheat. A "#" requires a number.
- cht_bDieu [[God Mode]
- cht_bUnlockMentalMode [[Activate mental mode]
- cht_bAutoAim [[Automatic target]
- cht_bGhost [[Activate NoClip]
- cht_bInvisible [[Activate invisibility]
- cht_bTurbo [[Activate turbo speed]
- cht_bFly [[Activate Fly]
- cht_bInfiniteAmmo [[Activate infinite ammo]
- cht_bGiveAll [[Give all the weapons]
- chtGiveAmmo #[[Give ammunition]
- cht_slGiveHealth [[Gives health]
- ch_slGiveArmor[[Grants armor]
- cht_slGiveSkillPoints [[Grants all skill points]
- cht_slResetSkills [[Resets skills]
- cht_bKillAll [[Kill all enemies]
- cht_bKillBoss [[Kill the enemy boss]
- chtClearGameProgress #[[Start a new game]
- chtJumpToChapter #[[Skip to a chapter]
- chtJumpToFirstChapitre #[[Go to the first chapter]
- chtJumpToNextChapitre #[[Go to the next chapter]
- chtJumpToNextLevel #[[Move up to level]
- chtGiveWeapon #[[Give a weapon]
- cht_bPassThroughPlasmaWalls [[Allows passage through plasma walls]
- cht_bInfiniteStamina [[Activate infinite stamina]