Wolfenstein 3D, also known as Wolf 3D, is one of the most famous shooter video games of the 90s. Developed by Id Software, the same house that gave birth to DOOM, was published by Apogee Software for PC in 1992.
Later converted also for Super Nintendo, the game is inspired by Muse Software's Castle Wolfenstein and Beyond Castle Wolfenstein games. One thing is certain: Wolfenstein 3D popularized a genre, especially on MS-DOS, where a lot of budding gamers played it for the first time. The player controls Captain William "BJ" Joseph Blazkowicz, a US soldier of Polish descent imprisoned by the Nazi army in Wolfenstein Castle.
The levels are developed in the shape of a labyrinth, in which it is not always easy to find your way, especially when behind every door and every tapestry we find enemies with a loaded weapon and eager to take us out. Between end-of-level bosses, secret rooms, treasures, power-ups and medical kits that restore our energy, the game gradually becomes more difficult and engaging. The Wolfenstein 3D graphics engine was developed by id Software itself and in particular by John Carmack.
- Press and hold R on controller 2, turn on the SNES and release R at the title screen. During the game pause and press R, UP, B, A - Best weapons and maximum ammo
- Hold R on controller 2, turn on the SNES and release R at the title screen. During the game pause and press A, A, UP, B - All map and keys
- Hold R on controller 1, turn on the SNES and release R at the title screen. During the game pause and press B, Up, B, A - God Mode
- Hold R on controller 1, turn on the SNES and release R at the title screen, then immediately press UP and SELECT - Level selection
- Hold R on controller 1, turn on the SNES and release R at the title screen. During the game pause and press UP, B, R, B - Skip the level