Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean it's a RPG genre video game developed and produced by the software house Sunsoft for the Sega Saturn.
The game was released in August 1996 in Japan and 11 months later, in July 1997, in North America, published by Working Designs. Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean is the first chapter of the Albert Odyssey series to be published also in English, as well as the first episode to boast a traditional matrix with elements of turn-based strategy. The videogame was designed and created to be what in Japan they call “gaiden”, basically a side-story of the previous titles in the series.
The North American version was well received by audiences and critics alike, even if i dialogues excessively humorous have also attracted some criticism, for having diverged too much from the original Japanese ones. They don't look bad to us at all, after all it is not in our ropes to take ourselves too seriously!
To accumulate money easily, buy and sell goods on the market: very often you will make a good profit.
To unlock all doors and chests, press X + Y + A + B on controller 2.
If you insert the Albert Odyssey CD into a CD player, you can listen to tracks 3 to 22 of the game as if it were a normal music CD.
After defeating the bosses in the 4 towers - and before going to fight Novia in the central tower - return to the cathedral to see a secret scene.
Albert Odyssey Legend of Eldean - Sega Saturn