All of these abilities can actually be upgraded even more, once you get them, in a very simple way.
- Spoiler warning from this point -
You have to play the game until you reach Chapter 7, and go through it until the very end. By defeating the last boss of the chapter, you jump to a place where there is a dragon statue. Interact with it and move to a different area.
There, a giant serpent-like dragon will appear, explaining to you that you are pretty much everyone's last hope in Mekacity and that in order to survive you will need more power. Therefore, the dragon itself provides that extra "oomph" you need, and upgrades all of your current skills to their powerful new form and now lets you charge up your abilities by holding down the attack button.
- Shuriken -> Kunai - Now casts an electrified Kunai instead of a shuriken, which sticks to an enemy, dealing bonus damage per second.
- Rising light -> Soaring falcons - same movement as before, but now with more range, power and amount of projectiles.
- Airstrike -> Strike shield - same movement as before, but now overloads the blade, creating a force field that protects you when falling.
- Wall strike -> Double jump - allows you to jump twice (finally).
- L2 Katana -> Charge Slash - now able to charge your main attack, for more damage.
- Parry -> Searcher - the cutoff wave that comes out of the orb you created after parrying an attack now has kickback abilities and an increased amount of projectiles created.
- Sprint -> Cross slash - as before, but now leaves a copy of yourself at the end of the attack, dealing additional damage to the enemy.
There you have it, all of the enhanced abilities Shadow gets. With these skills set now, the whole game is open so that you can access more areas, using them in previous stages and for future ones as well. For more details on each skill individually, feel free to check here. Go for that 100% completion rate!