Dragon Fighter it's a side scrolling action video game in fantasy theme developed by Natsume for Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
The video game was released for the first time in 1990 in Japan by Towa Chiki and later in the North American market, where it was distributed by SOFEL in 1992. Set in a typically fantasy world in which the evil wizard Zabbaong attacks the peaceful kingdom of Baljing, Dragon Fighter has as protagonist the statue of an ancient and valiant warrior who is brought back to life.
Zabbaong, with his army of monsters, leaves the kingdom in ruins but the Dragon Spirit, the guardian of Baljing, decides to get his revenge by animating the statue of an ancient hero. He must travel to the abode of Zabbaong, located on Mount Gia, where he must defeat the sorcerer. The player, as mentioned, controls a warrior whose strength is increased by magical powers that transform him, if necessary, into a flying dragon. The warrior can run, jump, crouch and attack with his trusty sword.
Start the game, hold A and B and press RESET. Continue to hold the buttons down for about 30 or 40 seconds, until you hear a particular sound. At this point, press one of the following buttons on Controller 2 and press START on Controller 1:
Left - Level 2
Down - Level 3
Up - Level 4
B- Level 5
A - Level 6
Wait until the message "PRESS START" appears on the home screen, then press the A, A, A, A, B, B, B, B, A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B buttons .