If you've just started playing Fortnite recently, you might have no idea where the Stack Shack is. For much of Season 3 of Chapter 2, he was underwater, only reappearing when the water receded. You could have also played Fortnite for a while and never been there, as it's a very secluded area, with little to offer in terms of loot.

You can find the Stack Shack on the west coast of the island, northwest of Holly Hedges, and southwest of Sweaty Sands. It's just a little hut sitting on a rock sticking out of the sea. You will have to plan ahead as there is no easy way to get there, so we suggest you take a helicopter or go directly there if you can.
The main reason to visit it in Chapter 2 of Season 3 is for a Week 6 challenge that tasks you with grabbing a weapon. The good news here is that there's always a barrel of fishing rods at the Stack Shack, so you don't have to worry about hunting one before you get here.
There should also be several fishing spots within easy reach of the Shack Pile, which is a pretty easy challenge to complete when you know where to go. You might get lucky and find some loot here, but it's not exactly the kind of place people would normally stumble upon. Once you're done, you can head to Sweaty Sands or Holly Hedges to be properly looted for your match.