Health and Weapons
Health : dial 362-555-0100
Using this trick will restore Luis's health and armor. When used inside a vehicle, the trick repairs your car!
VALIDATES THE FOLLOWING OBJECTIVES: "Cleaned the Mean Streets", "Finish him off!" "("Finish Him"), "One Man Army" ("One Man Army") and "Walk Free").
Health and weapons 482-555-0100
The use of this trick restores Luis's health and armor to the maximum, and also brings the maximum amount of ammunition for the weapons in his possession. If this trick is applied while inside any damaged vehicle, it will be repaired and returned in perfect condition. By activating this trick you will get, in case you don't have any weapons, the baseball bat, the combat pistol, the SMG (machine gun), the carbine (M4), the combat sniper rifle, the rocket launcher and the grenades (some weapons are those of GTA IV, available exclusively through the trick or in armories).
Weapons 486-555-0100
Using this code provides Luis with the following weapons: knife, .44 pistol, explosive projectile rifle, assault SMG, advanced MG, advanced sniper rifle, grenade launcher and sticky bombs (some weapons are GTA IV weapons, available exclusively through makeup or in armories).
Advanced weapons 486-555-0150
The use of this code provides Luis with the following advanced weapons: knife, molotov cock, pistol, combat shotgun, micro-SMG (mini-military gun), AK-47, combat sniper rifle and rocket launcher (some weapons are those of GTA IV, available exclusively through makeup or in armories).
Explosive precision rifle 486-555-2526
The use of this code provides a sniper rifle with explosive bullets.
Parachute 359-555-7272
Using this code provides Luis with a parachute.
Explosive Fist 276-555-2666
Using this code provides Luis with explosive punches.
Increased level of suspicion 267-555-0150
Using this code adds a new star to your level of suspicion.
Remove level of suspicion 267-555-0100
Using this code completely removes the level of suspicion - whatever it is.
In some missions of the game the level of suspicion will be forced and cannot be removed by using this trick.
INVALIDATES THE FOLLOWING OBJECTIVES: "One Man Army" ("One Man Army") and "Walk Free" ("Walk Free").
Change the weather conditions 468-555-0100
Using this code changes the weather conditions. Reactivate the trick to change the weather again.
Means of Transport
FIB Buffalo 227-555-0100
Using this code makes an F.I.B. Buffalo appear in front of Luis.
Buzzard 359-555-2899
Using this code makes a Buzzard helicopter appear in front of Luis.
Annihilator 359-555-0100
Using this code makes an Annihilator helicopter appear in front of Luis.
VALIDATES THE FOLLOWING OBJECTIVES: "One Man Army" ("One Man Army") and "Walk Free".
Jetmax 938-555-0100
Using this code makes a Jetmax speedboat appear in front of Luis.
Floater 938-555-0150
Using this code makes a Floater speedboat appear in front of Luis.
Sanchez 625-555-0150
Using this code makes a Sanchez motorcycle appear in front of Luis.
Last known associates 227-555-0142
The use of this code makes a Cognoscenti appear in front of Luis.
NRG 900 625-555-0100
Using this code makes an NRG 900 motorcycle appear in front of Luis.
Akuma 625-555-0200
Using this code makes an Akuma motorcycle appear in front of Luis.
Vader 625-555-3273
Using this code makes a Vader motorcycle appear in front of Luis.
Tourism 227-555-0147
Using this code makes a Tourism appear in front of Luis.
Comet 227-555-0175
Using this code makes a Comet appear in front of Luis.
SuperGT 227-555-0168
Using this code makes a SuperGT appear in front of Luis.
Bullet GT 227-555-9666
Using this code makes a Bullet GT appear in front of Luis.
APC 272-555-8265
The use of this code makes a N.O.S.E. APC armored vehicle appear in front of Luis.