From the image leaked below by dataminer @JpDeathBlade, I have promised readers a preview of the Legendary and Exotic items both currently released and expected in the coming months of Twitch Prime Rewards loot packs, so the here is. If you're thinking about starting the 30-day free Prime trial for free loot alone, this guide can help you decide when to start getting your favorite. two consecutive months " is worth.
According to the datamine, here are the current and expected drops:
This guide describes the benefits and stats for each of the above. Please note that all of the weapon perks charts below show the parish roll, but weapon statistics are presented on basic levels with no perks or mods so your mileage may vary.
Drop 1 will last until 10 a.m. on February 25 and contains the following:
1. SUROS Regime - Exotic Auto Rifle
2. Helping Hand - Exotic Weapon Ornament
- Equipped to change the appearance of the SUROS diet (as shown above).
3. Skyline Flipside Shell – Exotic Ghost Shell
- Omni-Telemetry - Generate Gunsmith telemetry data on all elemental weapons slain.
- Speed Demon - Your vehicle takes less time to summon and reload your weapons as you ride.
- Random Mod - A mod with arbitrarily generated updates.
4. Unsecured / CRYING - Exotic vessel
- Exotic ship - no perks, just aesthetics.
Drop 2: 10h 2/25 – 10h 25/03/20
1. Praxic Finery - Exotic vehicle
- Custom Reader - A perfectly tuned NLS reader with the best possible performance.
- Destabilizers - For use in flight to release roll stabilizers and move to taxi.
- Random Mod - A mod with arbitrarily generated updates.
2. Stroking Poultry - Exotic Emote
- Exotic emote - no perks, just aesthetics.
3. Sails of Osiris - Exotic Ship
- Exotic ship - no perks, just aesthetics.
4. Age of Tomorrow Shell - Legendary Ghost Shell
- Random Mod - A mod with arbitrarily generated updates.
- Random Mod - A mod with arbitrarily generated updates.
Drop 3: 10h 3/25 – 10h 25/04/20
1. Prometheus Lens - Exotic Trace Rifle (solar powered)
2. Eye of Osiris - Exotic Weapon Ornament
- Equipped to change the appearance of the Prometheus lens (as pictured above).
3. Tyrant Shell – Exotic Ghost Shell
- Omni-Telemetry - Generate Gunsmith telemetry data on all elemental weapons slain.
- Speed Demon - Your vehicle takes less time to summon and reload your weapons as you ride.
- Random Mod - A mod with arbitrarily generated updates.
4. Fleet Ska IX - Legendary Ship
- Legendary ship - no advantages, just aesthetics.
Drop 4: 10h 4/25 – 10h 25/05/20
1. Death in Kells - Exotic Ship
- Exotic ship - no perks, just aesthetics.
2. S'mores - Exotic Emote
- Exotic emote - no perks, just aesthetics.
3. Étoile Carte Shell – Exotic Ghost Shell
- Treasure Hunter - Detects caches within 50 yards and increases glow gain.
- Omni-Telemetry - Generate Gunsmith telemetry data on all elemental weapons slain.
- Random Mod - A mod with arbitrarily generated updates.
4. The Whipcrack - Legendary vehicle
- Tuned Drive - An upgraded propulsion unit that has received some specialist tuning.
- Random Mod - A mod with arbitrarily generated updates.
Drop 5: 10h 5/25 – 10h 6/25/20
1. The Prospector - Exotic Grenade Launcher
2. Belvedere - Exotic weapon ornament
- Equipped to change the appearance of the Prospector (as pictured above).
3. Hecuba-S - Exotic vehicle
- Custom Reader - A perfectly tuned NLS reader with the best possible performance.
- Destabilizers - For use in flight to release roll stabilizers and move to taxi.
- Random Mod - A mod with arbitrarily generated updates.
4. Pintail Shell - Legendary Ghost Shell
- Random Mod - A mod with arbitrarily generated updates.
- Random Mod - A mod with arbitrarily generated updates.
Drop 6: 10h 6/25 – 10h 7/25/20
1. Burnout - Exotic vehicle
- Custom Reader - A perfectly tuned NLS reader with the best possible performance.
- Destabilizers - For use in flight to release roll stabilizers and move to taxi.
- Random Mod - A mod with arbitrarily generated updates.
2. Brain Blast - Exotic Emote
- Exotic emote - no perks, just aesthetics.
3. Plasma Shell - Exotic Ghost Shell
- Public Defender - Increased loot from Public Events at all destinations.
- Random Mod - A mod with arbitrarily generated updates.
4. Star Causeway - Legendary Ship
- Exotic ship - no perks, just aesthetics.
The above dates are estimates only. They are meant to help you decide when to start a Twitch Prime trial so you can reap the rewards of two consecutive drops of your choice.