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How to evolve towards the Galarian slow motion | Slowpoke Evolution Guide
To develop a Slowpoke galarien in the special Galarian slowdown, you will have to earn the Galarica Crown. It is in a secret place in the.

How to get the Crown of Galarica: Travel to the Frosty Sea through the Roaring Sea Caves connected to the Giant's Foot (at the far east of the Giant's Bed) - in the Frosty Sea, go to the beach and find the narrow canyon of the waterway leading North. He brings him back to a small cave.
There is an NPC inside the cave who will exchange you the Galarica Crown for 15 Galarica Twigs. The Crown of Galarica is needed to evolve Galarian Slowking! Galarica twigs are rare items found on random glittering spots on the ground.
- NOTE: A Galarica Twig is much more likely to spawn inside the small cave with the Crown of Galarica NPC. Whenever the sparks return, I found 1 Galarica Twig in the cave.
- You can also find Galarica twigs on the Isle of Armor.

How to evolve towards the Galarian slowdown: Acquire the Crown of Galarica and use it on Galarian Slowpoke to immediately evolve.
If you haven't found a Slowpoke galarien yet you can find these little guys in the Fields of Honor Zone DLC Isle of Armor.
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