Sid Meier's Pirates!, which many know only as Pirates !, is a videogame developed by the brilliant Sid Meier and published in 1987 by MicroProse for numerous platforms, including the Commodore 64.
Set in the XNUMXth century, the video game puts you as a pirate, of which you must simulate the life and deeds. Revived in 1993 with Pirates! Gold and in 2004 in an improved version such as Sid Meier's Pirates !, the game must be played in single player mode. The impersonated privateer is at the service of one of the countries that reigned over the seas at the time, therefore Spain, the Netherlands, France and England, but does not necessarily have to remain faithful to the nation with which he initially sides.
Sid Meier's Pirates! does not have a real objective, and perhaps the beauty is just that, not to be tied to a pre-established plot but to operate in absolute freedom, accepting challenges, saving prisoners, plundering the galleons laden with gold, conquering cities and challenging other fearsome outlaws to a duel. Although it does not have a precise end, the game does not last forever, given that the age of our "hero" advances and, thanks to ailments and ailments, the fights and businesses are gradually becoming more difficult. At one point the privateer retires from the scene, having gained a certain rank in society. You can go from a bum, if you have failed miserably, to an advisor to the king if you are particularly distinguished.
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