Step 1 - You need the enchantment table
To do anything with the enchantments, you will need the enchantment table. This can be crafted with Diamonds (2), Obsidian (4), and a Book.
Enchanting Table Recipe
Once you have the table, you can place it anywhere you like or create a shelf circle around it to maximize the enchantments available. You can do this by surrounding the enchanted table with 15 shelves. Whichever method you choose, you will then need to choose the type of enchantment you want on your item. If you don't have all fifteen shelves, you won't get a level 30 enchantment option. The fewer shelves you have around the enchanting table, the lower the available enchantments.
Use the shelves to increase the power of enchantments
There are some things to consider from this point in the enchantment process. As you can see in the image below, there are different enchantments to choose from and certain numbers are associated with them. The number on the right side of the enchantment is the experience level you must have to perform the enchantment. In the example below, the first enchantment is unlocked at level 10, the second at 16, and the third at level 30. The number on the left side of the enchantment is the number of Lapis Lazuli you will need for it. 'run.
Enchant the object
Once completed, you will have an enchanted item with the enchantment you choose.
Using the enchantment table isn't the only way to enchant items in Minecraft. You can also use an anvil if you have an enchanted book. If you have picked up an enchanted book, you can enchant items on the anvil. You can either enchant a book at the enchantment table or pick one up, but you will need an enchantment and an enchanted book to do so on the anvil.
Using the anvil to enchant items in Minecraft
To enchant with the anvil, all you have to do is approach the anvil and place the enchanted book and the object you want to enchant on the workspace. The anvil can be created by mixing iron blocks with iron ingots.