Finding a fighter's bond is quite tricky. Like any single item, these only appear at specific stages - but there are ways to improve your chances of finding what you need. The Fighter's Bindings is a staple in high-level builds, and one of the best weapons in the game for taking down bosses thanks to its consistent writing. The hardest part is getting the best combat bindings you can get.
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Fighter bindings are a unique set of quick gauntlets with + Attack speed and one guaranteed critical with every fourth punch. This crit can automatically trigger enchantments like Shockwave and Swirling, and with increased attack speed, you'll score more crits faster. Fighter Bindings can be absurdly powerful with the right construction.
Fighter's Bindings only appear in two areas - Cactus Canyon et Soggy cave. the Soggy cave is a small optional area connected to Soggy swamp. To win a Fighter's Bindings, I highly recommend casting Soggy cave.
À unlock Soggy Cave, start Soggy swamp and check if there is 0/2 Secrets. If there are fewer secrets, the entry of Soggy Swamp has not appeared. Reload the level and try again, then look for an optional entry to unlock Soggy Cave.
Equip Ghost cloak, Death cap Mushrooms, and Boots of Celerity to speed up the level and ignore the standard mobs. To farm, you'll want to aim for the Obsidian Chest in the Soggy Cave. If you have the Feather effect, you can also avoid 3 of the 4 barriers at the end.
The goal is to get to the Obsidian Chest as quickly as possible, then get out and reset. Set the area to the level you're aiming for - if you want the best possible fighter bond, you'll need to level up as high as possible. Rinse and repeat and you will finally get the binding. The hard part is getting a binding with all the enchantments you want.