Below is a definitive list of all valid and expired Warframe promo codes in June 2020 .
You can instantly redeem these Marketplace Codes for free Glyphs and Weapons on PC, Xbox One, and PS4.
What are Warframe promo codes?
These are free codes that you can use to get glyphs or items to upgrade your Warframe.
Who doesn't like free stuff?
Most of the time, you can easily get glyphs through promotions. There were a number of item codes that could be obtained for free, but nowadays most item promotions are done in conjunction with Twitch.
You can also get freebies by following the official Warframe Twitter account.
How can I redeem Warframe promo codes?

Using Warframe promo codes is really easy:
- Go to the official Warframe website.
- Type in the code you want to use.
- Click on "submit code".
- Enjoy your free stuff.
Oh yeah… you can also click on the exchange links below. They automatically fill in the code, so you just need to submit it.
Existe-t-il of the code Warframe Platinum?
There are no promo codes to redeem Platinum in Warframe for free or to buy Platinum at a discount.
The only way to get Free Platinum is to refer a friend. The first time they buy Platinum, you will get 10% of that amount. The only way to get a discount (up to 75% off) is if you're lucky with a daily tribute.
Active Warframe promo codes
Warframe Article Codes
Currently, there is no free item code to use for Warframe. If you know of any, post in the comments and let us know.
Codes de glyph Warframe
Expired Warframe promo codes
Sorry to have missed them. The following items can no longer be used.
Warframe Article Codes
Codes de glyph Warframe
Promotions Twitch Warframe

Twitch has a lot of great promotions for Warframe. In order to take advantage of these promotions, you can sign up for an Amazon Prime trial and connect your Twitch account to your Amazon account. Right now, Twitch Prime has a huge 9 month Warframe promotion where you'll get in-game loot like cosmetics and boosters! On top of that, you also get free games every month.
Just do the following:
- Create a Twitch account if you don't have one and sign up for an Amazon Prime trial.
- Link your Amazon and Twitch accounts to get Twitch Prime.
- Link your Warframe and Twitch Prime accounts.
- Go to the Twitch promotion page, claim the care package and enjoy!
Below you can see past and current promotions:
List of Amazon Luna games - All titles confirmed so far ❯