Healing in Genshin Impact is a decidedly complex matter. The way each healer actually does the job is different, and the vast majority are capable of doing a lot of damage as well. As such, the best healer really comes down to the playstyle and the correct use of the character.
In this guide, we'll go over different Genshin Impact healers and help you get the most out of them in the field. This roster will grow over time as we gain access to new characters, and more will be added to the game.
Fan favorite Qiqi is capable of dealing massive damage, but long cooldowns keep her off the most popular DPS list for us. Qiqi heals by attacking enemies, and her Herald of Frost passive means that she will heal all party members based on the strength of those attacks. The more attack damage it deals, the more healing it will give to other party members. She can also use her makeshift preservation talisman to mark enemies, then you can switch characters and attack, healing the attacking character. It's a powerful combination, and makes it easy for Qiqi to keep all of the other characters in the party alive and well.
Jean is another character who can heal the party with his own attacks. The Wind Companion passive gives her normal attacks a 50% chance to heal the entire party for 15% of the damage she deals, so once again it pays to create high attack damage with Jean. You can also use Dandelion Breeze which causes instant healing for the entire party based on its attack stat.
Noelle can provide similar healing as a full team thanks to her Breastplate ability. This will cause a Geo Shield to form around her, and while she is active her attacks can cause heals for the entire party, and this will increase based on her Defensive stat. This puts Noelle in an interesting place as you can either build her attack stats for full scale group damage or her defense stats for decent healing. It's also likely that almost everyone will have Noelle, which makes her a valuable addition to the list.
Barbara has the Let the Show Begin ability which will give her several healing methods. She can heal with her normal attacks, charged attacks, and general passive healing at regular intervals. This all depends on Barbara's maximum health, so you want to build as much health as possible on her. She also has the Shining Miracle ability, which once again heals all party members based on her maximum HP.