Fortnite Update 2.92 patch notes
- Royal battle
- Addition of Jetpacks throughout the island
- Icon Lachlan Series skin available in the Item Shop November 7
- Added support for PS5, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series X systems
- Dynamic and physical visuals
- 4K resolution at 60 FPS
- Improved split screen
- Improved loading times
- XP Xtravaganza event starts this week
- Includes several new group-wide XP challenges
- Creative
- Creators can now use up to 150 channels on their islands!
- The Button device now has an Interact Time option to slow activation.
- The Conditional Button device can now be activated remotely via triggers.
- Reduced wind speed in the grass.
- Fixed an issue where grass tiles would appear black on PC under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue where players could not create a new island without changing the name of the default island.
- Creatures can now navigate through doors.
- Creatures will now open closed doors to pursue players unless the door is locked with a locking device.
- Creatures should no longer get stuck on copy / paste player-created structures.
- Fixed an issue where the player could not pick up a snowball after exiting the BRUTE
- Fixed an issue where some prefabs and galleries were pasted outside the preview area.
- Fixed an issue with a research prop in the Wooden Cabin and the Wooden Accessory Gallery.
- Fixed an issue with the Wooden Stilt House Water Lily Accessory that was too low for player interaction.
- Fixed an issue with the Wood Shanty content tag missing a space between words.
- Fixed an issue with a candle prop in the Wood Shanty Prop gallery not being destroyed when pickaxe destruction was set to instant.
- Fixed an issue with some of the unique asset icons missing for the assets in the Wood Shanty Prop gallery.
- Fixed an issue with the roof elements of the Wood Shanty Roof A gallery giving the wrong resource material.
- Fixed an issue with one of the doors in the Wood Shanty A wall gallery having an incorrect collision.
- Fixed an issue with the Swamp Cliff Gallery having incorrect preview sizing.
- Fixed an issue that prevented copy / paste of the wooden house trim from Wall Gallery B.
- Fixed an alignment issue with the Princess Castle Archway mount.
- Increased number of available channels from 100 to 150.
- Known issue: The channel display on the trigger device model has not yet been updated to show 3 digits, so channels 100-150 will appear as 00-50 on the device. This is a purely cosmetic issue and does not affect functionality.
- Added a new option to the Tracker device.
- Decrement progress when receiving from: No Channel, 1-150 (Default: No Channel).
- Added new options to the Score Manager device.
- Decrement when receiving: No Channel, 1-150 (Default: No Channel).
- Increase Award Score: Yes, No (Default: Yes)
- Set to Player Score When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-150 (Default: No Channel) - causes the score to be set to the current score of the signaling player.
- Added a new option to the Button device.
- Interaction time: instant, 1-10 seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds (default: instant) - determines how long a player must spend interacting with the button before it activates.
- Added a new option to the Conditional Button device.
- Enable when receiving from: no channel, 1-150 (default: no channel) - allows the conditional button to check the conditions of a remote reader while listening to an incoming signal from another device, thus allowing the Most devices have an activation condition.
- Trackers now receive signals from Catch Item Spawners when items are dropped by elimination.
- Fixed an issue where the Baller would shake considerably after interacting with a player.
- Fixed an issue where Island Codes in the Matchmaking Portal would not revert to the stored code after being replaced during a minigame.
For more information on this update, visit the official Fortnite website.