In the end it happened: we had to say goodbye to hanging pinnacles, we had to say goodbye to trade course, we had to check the game map again from scratch because the arrival of season 9 has upset the cards on the table for the players of Fortnite . Welcome to the future, welcome the latest technology, welcome a long series of small novelties that will compose the overall picture of the new season of Fortnite .
The renewed game map will put us in contact with completely new structures such as aerial platforms, pieces of metal that twirl above the game world where you can collect items or face opponents, you can get in touch with a series of new gimmicks & mechanics related to the introduction of the most advanced technology within, Fortnite you can make friends with a game world now devoid of the volcano that so much liked the players during the previous season of the game.
The seventh week of season nine thus begins, with a series of more or less varied challenges, bringing new vehicles, new toys (damn toys!) into the game world and asking us to blow up practically anything in a single challenge.
Let us see together how we can maximize our time and quickly complete all the challenges that have been proposed during this week of Fortnite : Royal Battle.
Guide Fortnite Season 9 - free challenges of week 7.
These challenges can be completed without purchasing a battle pass and are therefore available to all players who have Fortnite installed them on their device/console/computer.
Search for junk or Neo inclined coffers
This challenge asks the player to open treasure chests within two specific named locations: Junk Crossroads and Neo Inclined. The treasure chests are the usual treasure chests that we have learned to appreciate playing Fortnite for months and months, they are perfectly recognizable because of the golden aura and also have a characteristic jingle that simplifies the localization through the use of hearing. In essence, to simply find boxes you simply have to open your eyes and ears and the rest will come of its own accord.
The crossroads of the junk, between the two locations, is definitely the least populous and will be the one where it will probably be easier to find chests; Neo Inclined, on the other hand, is much more populated (but also much richer in chests and loot), which is why it could be suitable for the more experienced and more aggressive players. In the course of one or more games, however, this challenge will practically complete itself given the importance of chests within the game's economy.
Search for ammunition crates in different locations with the name
This challenge asks the player to search, during one or more games, for small crates of ammunition within the named locations. To complete this challenge it is, in essence, necessary to find the ammunition crates, notoriously more popular and easier to locate than the chests, in seven different named locations on the game map. Named locations are those locations that have a specific name and identity and are therefore marked on the game map.
This is a list of locations that keep the challenge moving forward:
- Ciarpame Crossroads
- Ice Cliffs
- Cursed Montagnola
- Lethal Landes
- Refuge Retreat
- Mega Mall
- Adventurous Landing
- The Neighborhood
- Paradise Palm Grove
- Raiders of the Looting
- Polar Peak
- Pacific Park
- Snob Beaches
- Neo Inclined
- Confusion Ducts
- Stale Depth
- Borgo Bislacco
- Borgallegro
- Languid Lagoon
- Raging Staircases
Eliminate opponents using only silenced weapons
This challenge asks the player to take down a few opponents using only weapons with silencers. The weapons with silencer inside Fortnite have been present for many seasons and are perfect for ambushing or attacking without attracting too much attention. These weapons have a higher critical multiplier than the others and are, therefore, better when used when you are sure you can hit your opponent's head to inflict a huge amount of damage. Silencer weapons make this challenge rather simple and should only be found within the complex game map, nothing that players accustomed to looting and wandering can't cope with with a bit of healthy patience.
Driving Fortnite Season 9 - Battle Pass Challenges of Week 7.
These challenges can only be completed by players who have purchased a battle pass from Epic Games' in-house store for 1000 v-bucks (around €10).
You inflict damage on opponents while driving a vehicle.
This challenge asks the player to inflict two hundred damage to any number of opponents only while driving a vehicle. In order to complete this challenge, you must have a friend to coordinate with and launch yourself on swarms of opponents while getting merrily transported around the game map. Recommended weapons to complete this challenge are those with a high rate of fire such as assault rifles, which are also perfect for mid-range skirmishes that usually characterize skirmishes between igocators and players equipped with vehicles.
Phase challenge
This challenge asks the player to visit two predetermined locations on the game map during a single game. The locations are usually not particularly distant from each other but, even when they are, thanks to the vehicles and the many simplifications introduced during the new season Fortnite , they are easy to reach.
Step 1: Visit the neighborhood and banks of the looting in a single game.
The first step asks the player to visit two locations that are close to each other, such as The Neighborhood and Shores Of The Plunder; these locations are extremely close and can be easily reached with a minute and a half walk.
Visit Lethal Landes and Neo Inclined in a single game
The second phase asks the player to visit Lethal Landes and Neo Inclined, two locations not particularly close to each other but crossed by the Vengo tunnel that characterizes the new season of Fortnite . Thanks to this new addition completing this stage of the challenge will be a trifle, as long as you don't encounter too many enemies on the way.
Visit snobby beaches and Mega Mall in a single match
The last phase of the challenge asks the player to pass through two quite distant areas such as Snob Beaches and Mega Mall in a single game. These locations are not close and not directly connected, which is why we recommend the following strategy: start from snobby beaches and quickly look for a vehicle in the surrounding area, with it head to the wind tunnel, jump in the middle and start flying to Mega Mall as fast as possible. This will allow you to complete this challenge quickly enough and move on to the next stage.
Find a chest, use a vending machine and a bonfire in a single game.
This challenge asks the player to use a vending machine, a bonfire and a chest in the course of a single game. The bonfire is a construction object that you can randomly pick up from the ground, which is why we recommend that you start the challenge from here; once you find the bonfire go in search of any vending machine, scattered all over the map Fortnite and quite clearly visible from the outside. At that point collect as many resources as possible (we recommend the wood in this regard) and then go in search of a chest, certainly the easiest and least problematic part of the whole challenge to complete this challenge and get the stars of the battle so coveted.
Eliminate opponents from less than 5 meters away.
This challenge is perhaps one of the most difficult lately appeared within the universe of Fornite because it asks the player to shoot down opponents from an extremely close distance, not exactly the one at which clashes usually develop. In order to quickly complete this challenge we recommend the use of weapons with a wide range of action such as shotguns or tactical rifles, whose roster of bullets will allow you to do without the absolute precision otherwise required for the completion of the challenge; if these are not available, even weapons with high rate of fire such as machine guns or assault rifles could be suitable for you, simply being careful to calculate the reload time.