Where is Iron Man in Fortnite?
Iron Man is located at the new Stark Industries site. He is found wandering around the southernmost building of the complex. He's surrounded by Stark robotic guards, so it can be difficult to reach him. These robots will drop Stark Industries energy rifles, so destroying one can give you a decent weapon to take in battle against Iron Man. Pay attention to other players as well. Tons of people will be heading to Stark Industries for the chance to go one-on-one with Tony Stark, and they'll likely take you out before you can even get close to him.
How to eliminate Iron Man
Iron Man is a powerful opponent, but he can be easily beaten if you know what to do. He's got a lot of health, so you'll need to hit him a few good hits to knock him down. Once he's taken down, you'll have to finish him off like any other enemy. His Stark bots will become hostile to you once you start shooting, so lower them first to level the playing field.
Iron Man will use his repulsors as a standard attack. These do a decent amount of damage, so take cover and use healing items and shields to stay alive. He will also occasionally use his Unibeam. The Unibeam will destroy the cover and kill you almost in one fell swoop, so try to dodge it when you see it coming. You will be able to see a targeting laser before it fires. Use this to dodge it.
You will need to eliminate Iron Man a total of three times to complete this challenge. Once defeated, he will drop his Repulsors and Unibeam as Mythic weapons. Repellers fire quickly, while Unibeam pulls slowly. The Unibeam does a lot of damage and can destroy items, but it has a long cooldown to avoid spam. Time your photos wisely with. He will also drop an Iron Man key card that you can use to enter the nearby vault full of tons of Stark Industries chests.