Launch, land, shoot, die...repeat.
Launch, land, search better, find the right weapon, shoot, move forward.
The battle royale of home Epic Games Fortnite is incredibly depopulated in the world of video games thanks to its mechanics related to the obtainable equipment.
In the course of this guide we are going to dissect practically everything that concerns the world of weapons within Fortnite , from their form, to their use, to the conditions in which they prove decisive, to the rarities in which they appear, to the places where they appear, to the statistics they have.
Fortnite - what are weapons?
Fortnite is the most successful battle royale video game in history; this happened thanks to the large amount of weapons within the title.
Weapons are the tools of destruction that players can collect around the world map and inside certain objects such as chests. Each player can collect a maximum of six different types of weapons, each positioned in its own slot at the bottom of the screen; weapons are collected by pressing the INTERACTION and you can't just throw them away.
Each weapon needs a specific type of ammunition in order to function, they are located inside special boxes or are given together with the weapon itself.
The gameplay of the title defines the winner as the last player left alive within the game map; to speed up this process it makes sense to take down opponents using the weapons that can be found by exploring the game map, opening chests, looting corpses or exploiting the many game mechanics that Epic Games has put in place to offer a wide range of options to less skilled players.
When one dies, one loses all one's arsenal which is scattered, for the occasion, in the vicinity of one's corpse; the weapons thus abandoned have inside them the same number of ammunition with which we left them the last time. Each type of ammunition can be accumulated until it reaches a specific cap.
There are seven macro-categoriesof weapons: they are mentioned within the various challenges that the title offers us week after week, each category of weapon has within it from two to eight different types of weapons, each with its characteristics, its strengths, its scope and its weaknesses.
Fortnite - the rarity of weapons.
One of the most immediate characteristics with which to recognize the various weapons, in addition to their shape, is the aura around the weapon are to symbolize its degree of rarity: the more rare a weapon is the more its statistics are fearsome and high.
Obviously certain weapons are so rare that it will be practically impossible to find them on the ground by turning the corner, during this guide we will try to attach where possible the spawn-rate of the various weapons. Below we find instead the scale of rarities, or rather the classification with which the title indexes the weapons.
It is inspired by the ">GreyCOMMON
With the arrival of Fortnite Chapter 2: The drum gun There is another parameter that players must take into account when they have weapons to collect: the number of slots occupied. During the first season of Fortnite Chapter 2 some weapons need two slots free to be included within the inventory, which is why it is legitimate to think that during the coming months Epic Games will decide to include other weapons of this kind within the title.
Where are the weapons?
Fortnite Chapter 2
Inside Fortnite Chapter 2 developers of Epic Games have changed in an important way the distribution of weapons within the title, reducing the possibility for players to find rare weapons with great ease. The most important of all the additions is definitely the addition of the super rare chest, or super rare chest that the language of albion calls. This type of chest has a shape and appearance of the chest is metallic, with chrome plating scattered around and has no special marks that can be used to search for the chest around the game world. This type of box is thought to randomly replace the normal game boxes; finding one is all a matter of luck.
While the normal crates (the wooden ones) release weapons of maximum rarity blue...they can also release weapons of arrival for air supply.
Why are these super rare cases of such capital importance within the title?
Because Fortnite Chapter 2 has significantly reduced the number of weapons that can be found in the game, leaving players with a virtually identical arsenal from match to match. With the addition of upgrade bench (or worktops as you like to say) to get great weapons from the first few bars of the game you need to make materials and invest them in your own weapons. The super rare cases allow the player to bypass the compulsive farming to directly obtain a weapon of excellent quality.
Within Fortnite Chapter 2, weapons can be found in the following ways:
- ashore
- inside the crates
- inside the super rare cases
- within the air supply
- fishing in rivers and ponds with a fishing rod
- inside the stock blades (support weapons)
Compared to the previous chapter, the vending machines that allowed players to exchange resources for weapons have completely disappeared.
The addition is represented by the possibility for players to find weapons by fishing; it seems that by fishing it is possible to find weapons of any rarity according to percentages that have not yet been clarified by the players.
Fortnite Chapter 1
The map of Fortnite is scattered with weapons more or less strong, both present in the wild inside areas with buildings and contained inside trunks.
There are four different places where you can find a weapon:
- ashore
- inside the crates
- within the air supply
- inside a stock blade
- inside the distributors
Depending on where you look, you will get weapons of a certain rarity.
The spawn rates of weapons change depending on the place you want to examine: on the ground you will have a high probability of finding rare weapons while inside crates and air supplies these odds will increase exponentially.
Thestockpile blade may not contain all types of weapons, but cares to give ammunition and other items to the player; occasionally it may contain defensive grenades such as thefortatili or the impulse grenades.
Distributors are pieces of furniture scattered all over the game world that are impossible to destroy with picks; they offer a catalogue of objects that varies according to the rarity of the distributor and allows you to exchange your resources for construction (wood, stone and metal) with weapons of increasing value and rarity. The same distributor will only generate weapons of identical rarity, so each distributor will have its own membership. Some distributors own weapons of a single rarity and depending on their power level ask for a certain amount of a specific resource to be obtained.
Upgrade your weapons in Fortnite Chapter 2
One of the most important news of all Fortnite Chapter 2 is represented by the presence of the workbenches. The workbenches, or upgrade benches as you like to call them, are at the heart of a completely new mechanics in Fortnite Chapter 2 which is weapon enhancement. Once you have found a workbench, by pressing the appropriate button, you can upgrade the weapon by improving the rarity by paying a tribute in resources.
Since the core of everything Fortnite is to get the best weapons for situations where, from time to time, you end up hunting, you quickly understand the absolute importance of this new mechanics. The workbenches are found practically all over the world of Fortnite and are not as large and visible as the restart vans, which is why they are relatively safe places to make a quick stop.
Let's see together a map to upgrade weapons in Fortnite Chapter 2 and the various prices in upgrade resources.
How much does it cost to upgrade weapons in Fortnite Chapter 2?
The workbench, as we have already said, allows the player to upgrade the weapons in his possession in order to obtain rarity upgraded versions of them. This allows a player who has found few valuable items during the early stages of the game, to get interesting firearms without having to expose himself too much through the exploration of the various locations.
Here is the amount of resources needed to upgrade the weapons:
- From common to uncommon: 50 units of wood, 50 units of stone, 50 units of metal
- From uncommon to rare: 150 units of wood, 150 units of stone, 150 units of metal
- From rare to epic: 250 units of wood, 250 units of stone, 250 units of metal
- From epic a legendary: 350 units of wood, 350 units of stone, 350 units of metal
How to use a workbench.
Let's see together how to use a workbench in Fortnite Chapter 2. Once you have found your favourite bench, approach it and grab the weapon you want to upgrade; when you have done so, go in front of the bench and press the interaction button that will be shown on screen to confirm your willingness to upgrade the weapon. If you have all the necessary resources, holding down the interaction button will complete the process and you will get the weapon you want.
Where are the workbenches?
To help you find the workbenches in Fortnite Chapter 2, we have made a map with all the workbenches we have found during our wanderings. The map may change over the next few months but it is fair to think that the position of many workbenches will remain unchanged over time.
Here is a textual description of the location of every workbench we found.
- A workbench is located at the small island northeast of Craggy Cliffsinside a wooden hut.
- A workbench is located at the beach east of Craggy Cliffs.
- A workbench is located in the area west of Pacific Park...inside the military base that runs along the river.
- A workbench is located at the gas station located northwest of Pacific Park.
- A workbench is located at the wooden hut inside the eastern part of the drive-in that used to be Risky Rapids, now very close to the west of Frenetic Farms.
- A workbench is located pressola military base located in the street north of Molested docks
- A workbench is located at the landfill that you can find west of Molested docks, inside a building.
- A workbench is located at the garage which can be found at the northern border of Molested docks
- A workbench is located at the garage inside the large white house on the top of the hill northwest of Holly Hedges
- A workbench is located at the fisherman's house at the pond south of Sweaty Beaches
- A workbench is located at the interior of the large Hangar that you can find along the road south of Holly Hedges
- A workbench is located inside the factory that you can find at the west of Whispering Forest
- A workbench is located inside a garage in the campsite which you can find to the west of Whispering Forest
- A workbench is located on the top floor of the structure at the northwest corner of Palpitating Mire
- A workbench is located inside the garage which can be found at the large dam located in the area east of Whispering Forest
- A workbench is located inside the military base in the hills southwest of Bruminous Heath
- A workbench is located inside the workshop that you can find in the eastern part of the small island in the southernmost part of the map, between Bristly Heath e Trade Course
- A workbench is located at the Generator's room which can be found underneath the aqueduct of Trade Course
But how do they fire these guns?
The weapons Fortnite follow very precise ballistic rules and can be divided into two main categories: weapons that shoot hitscan bullets and guns firing ballistic bullets.
Machine guns
Assault Rifle
Hitscan bullet firing weapons are weapons whose bullets immediately damage what you are aiming at, without having a precise navigation speed for the bullet.
These types of weapons are not subject to the laws of gravity, so long range bullets do not drop in altitude unlike those fired by ballistic weapons.
Special Rifles
Explosive weapons
Ballistic weapons fire bullets that are affected by gravity, have their own speed of movement and drop in relation to the amount of distance travelled along the way. This makes ballistic weapons more difficult to master than classic hitscan bullet weapons.
Explosive weapons and grenades follow similar rules for projectiles; non-instantaneous velocities of movement and obvious influences of gravity on travel mean that these weapons need to be studied a little before they are mastered to their full potential.
Which weapon do I choose?
The choice of your arsenal is extremely important to ensure your chances of survival within the messed-up game island.
You can try to divide weapons according to three different categories of use, all of which are influenced by the range of the weapon itself. A short-range weapon is obviously able to give the best of itself inside buildings, a place where a long-range weapon (generally characterized by long reload times) would be more of a hindrance than a help.
Now we will try to divide weapons into three categories to help players choose which weapon to use according to the situation: each weapon, in its description, contains the recommended range of use.
Short-range weapons
Machine guns
The best weapons for short-range combat are characterized by a good dps and great reload speed; these parameters are counterbalanced by a recoil and not always excellent accuracy, especially when accompanied by bullets scattered right and left.
An example of a short-range weapon is the classic rifle, in all its forms: thanks to the bullet save that expands and then falls quickly it's the perfect weapon to gnaw a few life points at your opponent inside a corridor before finishing him off with something more precise. Generally, short range weapons are able to take down opponents quickly thanks to high projectile damage.
These weapons give their best when paired with a mid-range weapon, so you have an answer for virtually any situation allowing a player to quickly change strategy depending on the terrain they are in.
Medium Range Weapons
Assault rifle
Special Rifles
Explosive weapons
The medium range weapons are all those weapons able to give the best of themselves on a distance of meters between ten and a hundred, weapons not yet equipped with optical sight (with some exceptions) but helped by the good DPS and the good magazine in their intent to bring death.
These weapons require a good degree of precision to be used at best and also ask the player to be cautious with reloading times, as they could mean the survival of an enemy.
An example of a medium range weapon is the assault rifle, the most common and trivial weapon of all Fortnite . The assault rifle, in any version, is a medium range weapon that does good damage without excelling anywhere; it gives the best of itself when put in the hands of capable players, able to aim with a certain obstinacy at the weak points of the opponent.
Within this category we also include explosive weapons: when the bullets of these weapons come into contact with the opponent explode causing damage in a range; this range also damages us and is the reason why we will never dream of using a rocket launcher shooting at point-blank range against the enemy in front of us.
Similar can be made for the various types of grenades present, all used to bypass the defences and constructions that the opponent erects in his protection.
Mid-range weapons during matches to go well should be paired with short-range weapons, so that you can easily and effectively counter any threats from enemies in your vicinity. Having an arsenal of weapons ready for any situation is one of the practices that can raise the player's win-rate in the most important way.
Long-range weapons
Special Rifles
Long-range weapons are all those rifles equipped with a viewfinder (or not, like the shotgun) with very high damage and great accuracy contrasted by very slow reloading speed and single bolt action, i.e. the need to reload the weapon every time you fire a shot.
These weapons are characterized by a realistic ballistics, different from the hitscan used in the other two types of weapons. The bullets of special rifles (like those of explosive weapons) suffer gravity and lower their trajectory as they continue towards the horizon; the bullet does not hit the opponent instantly but travels at great speed towards him.
These weapons, in any case, really shine when they are put in the hands of a gamer equipped with the characteristic hawk-eye: the very high damage makes the critical shots of certain weapons practically fatal in any condition and also makes the pixel as far away as possible a prey to shoot down in every possible way.
An example of a long-range weapon is the AWP sniper rifle, which can easily take down opponents even from 300 meters away thanks to its incredible range. A long-range rifle could work divinely close up as well, as long as the player has the innate ability to aim without having to rely on pointers; one of the most important factors Fortnite is knowing how to create a strategy based on what you have, which is why you can win a game simply by having confidence and good aim in a weapon of such power.
What happens when they remove a weapon?
The evolving nature of the title leads it to expand its weapon pool time after time, patch by patch, occasionally giving up something.
Between patches Fortnite : Royal Battle has lost numerous weapons that have been hidden in what Epic Games calls the Warehouse.
The Warehouse is nothing more than a whole test area for the development team where these weapons are re-balanced and then re-introduced back into the game world after a few patches.
Over the past few months we have witnessed the demise of the smoke grenade, of the SMG either Zapotronto give an example. Epic Games, on an almost monthly basis, inserts weapons that have been considered objectively too strong by the community within the warehouse/vault, waiting to rebalance them. At the moment only the drum gun has managed to return to the Royal Battle Fortnite following an in-game event, with dimensional breaches and special pyrotechnic effects.
Some weapons, however, are destined to disappearforever from the normal mode of the title because relegated to specific limited time modes: the infinity blade, the thanos glove and all a series of Avengers-themed weapons fall perfectly within this definition; these weapons could return within the game if and only if Epic Games manages to create ad-hoc events again to contain them, given their incredible potential.
Assault rifles
M16(Common, Not Common, Rare)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is still available.
The normal assault rifle is the gateway to Fortnite .
An honest weapon, free of incredible damage but able to ensure the player a few shots thanks to the good accuracy and familiarity that immediately generates with the user.
The fast reloading time, combined with the good magazine capacity make this weapon suitable for practically all game situations.
The fact that there are three different versions, of increasing power, increases the value of this weapon even more.
The M16 assault rifle Fortnite is the equivalent of the actually existing U.S. Colt Model 16, a family of assault rifles manufactured by Colt and officially adopted as assault rifles by the U.S. Army during 1967.
SCAR-H(Epic, Legendary)
Fortnite chapter 2: the weapon is still available and has been merged with the normal assault rifle.
The best assault rifle among those available within the title: the Scar is able to make the difference in the game thanks to its being simply super-powerful.
Great damage, great accuracy from medium/long distance, little time needed for reloading and an amazing versatility: all these features make the Scar, in both its versions, one of the best possible choices to make for the final stages of the title.
The SCAR is a type of assault rifle capable of doing a lot of damage, excellent for medium distance but able to give satisfaction even in the long run.
The weapon with which you hope to get to the last stages of the game.
The SCAR-H rifle Fortnite is visually inspired by the FN Scar (Special Operation Forces Combat Assault Rifle); one of the most recent inventions.
This type of rifle has demonstrated over the years a low sensitivity to sand and great reliability in extreme combat conditions; bringing a 400% improvement over rifles like the more common M4 of American nature.
The position of the trigger and the fire selector is designed for ambidextrous use of the rifle; rifle that has a large number of options with it and is perfectly modular thanks to the various kits available on the market.
Rifle with sight(Rare, Epic)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is no longer available
The rifle with sight is a semi-automatic assault rifle able to compensate for the absence of any sniper rifles in our inventory due to its wide range of action.
Its rate of fire is not exceptional but it allows great accuracy in shots given the controllability of recoil between shots.
The advantages of this weapon are many: it allows you to control the surrounding areas with precision and accuracy, it is able to settle powerful headshots and remove important pieces of shield/life to the enemy and has a fast reload time.
Assault rifle with thermal viewfinder(Epic, Legendary)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is no longer available
The thermal sight assault rifle is an Fortnite addition weapon with patch 4.5.
It is an assault rifle with optical sight that has the particularity of having a thermal type vision.
Pressing the button to aim on screen enemies will be marked with an assault rifle with viewfinder, is a semi-automatic weapon that goes very well with small bursts of shots.
Vampafucile (Gust)(Common, Uncommon, Rare)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is no longer available
The vampafucile standard is a type of assault rifle that fires its shots not following a linear course but preferring small bursts of three shots.
Fortnite This means that it will be impossible to be super accurate with all three shots because of the recoil and that as a weapon it is not recommended over long distances.
On short or medium distances the vampafucile is practically lethal, thanks also to its good damage that the speed of fire with which the three bullets are ejected and is perfect to eliminate enemies in a very short time while trying to escape from other threats as players and the storm that advances relentlessly behind you.
During season 7 the Common, Uncommon and Rare rifle has been placed inside the depot, waiting for balance
The Vampafucile di Fortnite is visually inspired by the actually existing Ak47U; the Ak47u is one of the most famous variants of the most popular assault rifle in the history of firearm warfare around the world.
Vampafucile (Gust)(Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is still available, the uncommon and rare versions have the FAMAS rifle model.
The new addition to the title presents itself as a fearsome weapon at close range. Like the normal rifle, the enhanced version of this weapon allows you to kill almost completely an enemy in the middle of the loader and accurately set all the shots of its burst.
The weapon is also suitable for all fights that take place at medium/short range and thanks to its great damage per bullet it is able to knock down with relative speed the constructions and defenses erected by any opponents on duty.
The Epic/Leggendary rifle Fortnite is visually inspired by the French FAMAS rifle, an acronym ofFusil d'Assaut de laManufacture d'Armes deSt-Étienne (assault rifle manufactured in Saint-Étienne).
This type of rifle see its origins rooted in the late sixties, when it was first adopted by the French army and then canonized during the eighties. It is nicknamed by the soldiers as "Le clairon" or "the trumpet"...
Drum gun (Uncommon, Rare)
Fortnite Chapter two: the weapon is no longer available
The drum gun is the machine gun added with the 4.7.0 patch.
This weapon is a machine gun with statistics and usability not too far from normal assault rifles.
The damage of the weapon is good, the 50 bullet magazine allows the player to vent a considerable amount of firepower before having to reload, and the gun mouth spray is controllable, though not as accurate as the assault rifles.
The weapon has a strong recoil and must be well controlled to be used to its full potential, it should be seen as a more powerful and less accurate version of a tactical machine gun with different ammunition requirements.
Pairing the weapon with a shotgun allows you to completely eliminate an enemy after exhausting a magazine.
During season 7 the drum gun was placed inside the depot, awaiting balancing.
The drum gun Fortnite is visually inspired by the Thompson Submachine Gun, a range of machine guns whose models were initially inspired by John Taliaferro Thompson during the American 1920s.
This type of weapon was designed and manufactured in the United States of America during the first half of the twentieth century where it reached the top of popularity during the prohibition period.
It has a lot of nicknames like: Tommy Gun, Trench Broom, Trench Sweeper, Chicago Typewriter, Chicago Piano, Chicago Style, Chicago Organ Grindere The Chopper.
The weapon was used extensively by practically every kind of human being: military, criminals, police and even civilians because of its ergonomics, compactness and high frequency of fire, able to create real massacres in the space of not too many bullets.

Silenced assault rifle (Epic, Legendary)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is no longer available
The Silenced Assault Rifle is a version suitable for stealth movements of the normal assault rifle, the most common and most used weapon in the world of Fortnite .
This weapon is a rarer version of the other assault rifles equipped with silencer. This type of assault rifle offers a reduced noise typical of silenced weapons with less damage and a lower range of the weapon itself; consequently the silenced assault rifle can be used preferably in closed environments or on the medium-low distance, in order to enhance the range all but excellent.
This weapon is perfect for any kind of ambush and in cahoots with a bush is able to change some matches by supporting the silence with the hiding place.
The silenced assault rifle Fortnite is visually inspired by the FN Scar (Special Operation Forces Combat Assault Rifle); one of the latest invention. with the simple addition of a silencer at the tip of the weapon.
This type of rifle has demonstrated over the years a low sensitivity to sand and great reliability in extreme combat conditions; bringing a 400% improvement over guns as the most common M4 of American nature.
The position of the trigger and the fire selector is designed for ambidextrous use of the rifle; rifle that has a large number of options with it and is perfectly modular thanks to the various kits on the market.
Heavy assault rifle (Rare,Epic,Legendary)
Fortnite chapter 2: the weapon is no longer available
The heavy assault rifle is one of the weapons added by Epic Games during Season 7 of the game.
It is, in essence, an enhanced version of the classic assault rifle with extremely similar range and mode of use: damage is increased by 40% compared to the standard version of the weapon while there is a depowering ranging from 10 to 30% for statistics such as reload time or magazine size.
Also the damage on the structures has been increased proportionally to the increase made for the normal one, now turning the heavy assault rifle into a weapon capable of doing over 130 damage per second to any type of structure; considering the rate of fire of 3 bullets every second we are faced with something that can quickly break down the foundations of any type of structure.
At the legendary rarity the heavy assault rifle becomes incredibly dangerous, capable of doing almost 50 damage per bullet and able to completely eliminate a target in less than two seconds precision allowing; really an incredible weapon able to adapt to many different situations. For the moment one of the absolute must-pick of season 7 that will remain so even during the next periods of the title.
The heavy assault rifle is visually very similar to the Russian rifle.AK-74. AK-74 is an AKM type assault rifle modified for the occasion. The differences with its younger brother are in the face of the bolt, suitably modified to allow the rifle barrel to adapt to the new 5.45 x 39mm cartridge with improved extractor. Also the magazine has been renewed by adding fibreglass to the classic plastic and the mouth brake has been rethought, this time of considerable effectiveness thanks to the possibility of optimally using the flow of gas coming out of the gun.
This modification has allowed the engineers to significantly reduce the blast emitted by the weapon, counteracting even the recoil while increasing the noise produced by the firearm.
Revolver(Common, Uncommon, Rare)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is no longer available
The revolver is one of the guns featured in the title, this weapon has great damage and a rather slow reload time, especially considering revolvers in other games.
What makes it a suboptimal weapon is its rate of fire, which is practically inferior; misfired a shot with a revolver means that you have to change your weapon in order to fire reactively at any action of your opponents, without really being able to put yourself in the game in an honest way.
All versions, in the first moments of the game, allow you to make a instantaneous kill on unshielded enemies by making headshota weapon for which it is nevertheless indicated by the remarkable accuracy of its shots.
The revolver is, at the end of the day, one of the more complicated weapons to know how to master and use because of the great time that elapses between the fire of the first shot and the second one; the low speed of fire combined with the time of reloading that cannot be ignored make the weapon really uncomfortable to use despite being able to do a lot of damage if put in the right hands; its greatest merits are all in the damage and in the hitscan nature of the shot, which make it a death knuckle in the hands of snipers and aspirants such.
During season 7 the weapon was virtually replaced by the six-shot revolver.
The revolver Fortnite is visually inspired by all revolver-type pistols, also known as drum guns.
These are a type of pistol with simple reload/reload with simple repetition, characterized by a drum tank (of bullets) capable of making revolutions around its own axis; this allows the weapon to have a good number of bullets without having to reload every single shot manually as was the case with previous pistols.
The elongated shape of the weapon could be a reminder of the revolver known as the Colt Buntline, a version of the classic Colt Single Action Army with an extremely long barrel (12 to 16 inches), designed to be used as a rifle by attaching a special type of metal stock to the grip of the weapon.
Heavy Gun(Epic, Legendary)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is no longer available
This weapon is an even more powerful version of the revolver with a shorter reload time; in contrast to this, there is a very strong recoil and a rarity that makes it not very common in matches.
Good for starting a mid-range fight and then finishing enemies at close range with something faster. If paired with a player with good aim is able to prove to be a really effective weapon on short / medium distance.
The heavy pistol remains a first level choice when you have to choose between various weapons thanks to its great damage and the higher speed of fire compared to the revolver; obviously the same rules apply as the western weapon par excellence: you need inhuman precision and a good sense of rhythm to sharpen more fatal shots than the heavy pistol, not to mention the great recoil between shots.
The Heavy Gun Fortnite is visually inspired by the Desert Eagle pistol in real life.
This pistol has a particular operation compared to the classic semi-automatic weapons that are activated by a short recoil or a return fire; it has in fact a gas recycling system typically used inside the rifles. To be precise, the system that regulates the rotation of the bolt and the locking mechanism have a certain similarity with those of the M16 assault rifle (which we have seen above).
Thanks to this gas recovery system it is possible to use particularly powerful types of cartridges compared to traditional semi-automatic guns, allowing this type of gun to compete directly in the market that was normally reserved for Magnum revolvers.
Gun(Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is available and has achieved epic and legendary rarities, with a polygonal model similar to that of the heavy gun
The unfailing service pistol is the faithful companion of all the poor players who have not found better. It has a higher damage per second than the revolver thanks to the higher rate of fire and, in the absence of anything else, can prove indispensable.
It is certainly not the weapon with which you want to arrive during the most prolonged phases of the game but it is able to solve some skirmishes and some skirmishes thanks to its combination of features.
Despite the low damage, the considerable recoil and all the problems that afflict this gun, the pistol remains one of the best choices during theearly game if you don't have a great aim with which to capitalize on more powerful weapons; therefore is recommended to all gamers who prefer to quickly pull the trigger than aim carefully.
The Rarity Gun epic e legendary is virtually identical to the heavy gun that you can find fully described a few lines above.
Silenced Pistol(Epic, Legendary)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is no longer available
If during the games you Fortnite prefer to approach the battles with a more graceful and with the spirit of a secret agent in incognito, the silenced gun is the weapon that is undoubtedly for you. big boost for headshotsThis weapon is able to eliminate one or two people anonymously before being discovered by opponents.
The best way to use it is in a style of game devoted to ambush and wild camping, perhaps in conjunction with a bush or some method of concealment.
The silenced gun, in both its versions remains a great weapon and is able to adapt to any game situation.
Double guns(Epic, Legendary)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is no longer available
The double guns were added to the interior of Fortnite the patch 4.5.0 and became a very dangerous tool right from the start. By pressing the trigger one time both weapons will fire, reaching from the very beginning a very large DPS thanks to the much higher rate of fire than that of classic guns.
This weapon is the classic perfect weapon to finish an enemy after taking out him the majority of HP by shotgun or some other weapon. At medium/long range, double guns lose accuracy and effectiveness.
Making Headshots with this weapon is extremely recommended because they are two bullets at a time whose damage (about forty on average) is doubled and bring with almost mathematical certainty to the kill. In general it's a great weapon to go for during the end game.
During season 7 the double guns were taken out of the depot because they were considered balanced.
The double guns Fortnite are visually inspired by the Desert Eagle pistol present in real life. This pistol has a particular operation compared to the classic semi-automatic guns that are activated by a short recoil or by a return fire; it has in fact a gas recycling system typically used inside the rifles.
To be precise, the system that regulates the rotation of the bolt and the locking mechanism have a certain similarity with those of the M16 assault rifle (which we have seen above). Thanks to this gas recovery system it is possible to use particularly powerful types of cartridges compared to those of traditional semi-automatic pistols, allowing this type of pistol to compete directly in the market that was normally reserved for Magnum revolvers.
Rampino(Epic, Legendary)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is no longer available
The grappling hook is one of the most curious weapons ever inserted by Epic Games developers into the game. Its task is to reposition the player within the game map using the point where the player pulled the trigger as a reference.
Pressing the button to shoot the grappling hook will pull its suction cup towards the target indicated by the player by dragging the character; this will move extremely fast (but will not have frames of invincibility) and the grappling hook string will automatically come off when the player impacts solid objects of some kind.
The different rarities of the grappling hook affect the speed of movement with which the character will catapult around the map and the maximum number of grappling hooks our character can use.
During season 7, the grappling hook has been placed inside the depot, waiting to be balanced.
Six-Shot Revolver (Uncommon, Rare, Epic)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is no longer available
The six-shot revolver is the official replacement for the old revolver to which Epic Games had gotten us used to it during previous game patches.
It immediately stands out for having a damage comparable to that of a classic assault rifle, mixing it all but with a huge speed of fire; the weapon in fact is able to shoot five bullets in a single second coming to have a DPS of almost two hundred points in its strongest version.
The weapon is basically able to eliminate a single target within a second thanks to its characteristics; after firing the first six shots of a magazine you will have to deal with a reload time of two seconds, able to break the action and to make any victim run for cover. To hit all those shots in any case, it is necessary to have an almost perfect aim, so just as the classic revolver is not recommended for newbies or the inaccurate.
The six-shot revolver remains a perfect weapon to quickly finish a sensitive target or to try to give it all in a duel; the speed at which bullets run out is unfortunately its worst flaw and cannot be overlooked.
During season 7, the six round revolver was placed inside the depot, waiting for a balance.
The six-shot revolver Fortnite is visually inspired by all revolver-type pistols, also known as drum guns.
They are a type of simple reload/reloader pistol with simple repetition, characterized by a drum tank (of bullets) capable of making revolutions around its own axis; this allows the weapon to have a good number of bullets without having to reload every single shot manually as was the case with previous pistols. The six rounds inside the name indicate the magazine size.
Revolver With Viewfinder (Legendary)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is no longer available
The Revolver With Viewfinder is one of the weapons with improved aim within Royal Fortnite Battle, its aim is to eliminate opponents in the least number of shots possible through accuracy and enormous firepower. Due to its very low rate of fire, this weapon is not recommended for the most excited battles and close-range battles. Another reason to despise the use of this weapon at extremely close range is to be found in the size of its magazine, really stingy with ammunition and unable to sustain a few dozen seconds of combat.
The Revolver With Viewfinder is a good substitute for weapons such as sniper rifles and assault rifles with viewfinder; thanks to the magnification present with the viewfinder lens it will be possible, for the player, to shoot down the opponent in a few shots simply aiming at the head and taking advantage of the important factor of critical shots. At close range the weapon becomes inadvisable due to its inaccuracy, especially when aiming without using the iron sight.
The iron sight revolver is the weapon with the widest range of fire, especially when compared to all other guns in the game. It helps greatly in medium and long range combat, but remember to only have six rounds inside your magazine and need a fair amount of time before you can reload.
Because with this weapon each round ends up being of great importance, the player needs to focus on making headshots primarily and not think they can simply injure their opponent with revolver bullets.
During Season 9, the revolver with sight was placed inside the depot, awaiting a balance.
A revolver with a front sight Fortnite is visually inspired by all revolver-type pistols, also known as drum pistols with an optical sight with a lens on top.
They are a type of simple reload/reloader pistol, characterized by a drum (of bullets) tank capable of revolutions around its own axis; this allows the weapon to have a good number of bullets without having to reload every single shot manually as was the case with previous pistols.
The elongated shape of the weapon could be a reminder of the revolver known as the Colt Buntline, a version of the classic Colt Single Action Army with an extremely long barrel (12 to 16 inches), designed to be used as a rifle by attaching a special type of metal stock to the grip of the weapon.
Flintlock pistol (Common, not common)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is no longer available
The flintlock pistol is one of the weapons introduced in royal Fortnite battle following the arrival of the eighth season. The weapon is a pistol with a single round per magazine, a rather peculiar shot that makes it useful in more than one situation. At close range the flintlock pistol is a 'tremendous weapon, the damage it does is enormous and is able to one-shot opponents, the greater the distance and the more damage is reduced, much more than we are used to with the remaining weapons in our arsenal. The interesting peculiarity of this weapon is its recoil, so high that it makes interesting players splash at a good number of distance tiles.
What are we talking about?
The flintlock pistol, if used when standing up, sweeps away its user and the eventual target of the projectile by four or five tiles in the opposite direction to the direction of firing. This allows the player to jump very high or run away very quickly in one direction thanks to the recoil; this mechanics in any case is difficult to abuse given the aberrant reload time with which this weapon presents itself to the player; three seconds is an abysmally long time and forces players to have at least one spare weapon with which to face opponents in the early stages of the game.
You can nullify the recoil of the weapon by firing it while squatting, making it simply a kind of single-shot shotgun. The most important feature of this weapon, however, is that it allows players to nullify the recoil by saving themselves from falling too high. Simply shoot down with just the right amount of time before landing to nullify any fall damage. This feature allows the most skilled players to do great things with a single ammo, winning plausible build battles.
- Bullet Type: Heavy Bullets
- Loader dimensions: 1
- Average damage: 86/90
- Damage to structures: 131/138
- Fire rate: 0.33 (3.03s)
- Charging time: 3.2s/3s
During season 7, the flintlock pistol was placed inside the depot, awaiting balance
The flintlock pistol is visually inspired by the flintlock pistols that were used during the early years of firearms during the 16th century. The flintlock pistol (another name for this type of firearm) was the first to use the flintlock instead of the fuse to communicate fire to the charge. This weapon was born for the forces of heavy cavalry in the lands around the Holy Roman Empire.
The flintlock pistol was the first model of pistol ever made in the course of history; compared to current models of firearm it was a particularly bulky object and also had particularly heavy ammunition composed of iron or lead balls of large caliber. The two main characteristics of such a weapon were the accent mechanism and the handle. The first one was built by a steel tambourine called wheel, equipped with an internal spiral spring that could be tensioned through the use of a key; this tambourine was held by a tooth that was triggered by the trigger and once free it turned quickly on itself rubbing the flint that generated the sparks necessary to ignite the powder. The handle, on the other hand, started straight and curved more and more as the years went by, then adding a massive pommel to ensure the best possible grip for the user of the weapon.
Rifle pump(Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is available in all its variations.
The standard pump rifle (called the grandfather's rifle by the community) is one of the most popular weapons of the title, especially in the patches before 5.0.0 where it was still possible to use the technique called double pump.
The shotgun fires a salvo of shots that expands very quickly in front of it, being extremely effective on short range but terrible on practically all the others. Taking headshots with this weapon, especially in its rarer versions, is almost always equivalent to making a kill.
In the current state of the title the classic shotgun is a sub-optimal weapon, with good damage but not constant enough in its distribution. Compared to the tactical version of the shotgun it is much weaker, also due to the low rate of fire of the weapon. Over the course of the sixth and seventh season the developers Fortnite have consistently upgraded the weapon to two levels of extra rarity and created extremely powerful versions of the same rifle.
Specifically, the classic pump rifle of legendary rarity has very high statistics, perfectly able to compete with the Rare Tactical Rifle or the Heavy Tactical Rifle of equal rarity: at a purely numerical level this weapon in its epic and legendary meaning has statistics practically equivalent to that of the much rarer Tactical Heavy Rifle from which it differs for number of bullets in the magazine, damage to the structures and recharge time; the latter is shorter than a second and is extremely useful during rather violent fights.
The epic and legendary shapes of the shotgun also differ visually from its less rare counterparts, resembling much more tactical heavy rifles than anything else.
The shotgun Fortnite is visually inspired by a well-known real-world shotgun: the Remington 870 from the Remington Arms Company .Inc, an American company. The rifle is classified as a shotgun and has a multitude of possible uses such as sports, hunting, personal defense and is also used by various armed forces and police forces in several states of the world today. The rifle was originally designed by engineer John Pedersen as Remington 10 and has since undergone an important number of modifications to modify it according to circumstances.
The Remington 31 is specifically the rifle from which the Epic Games video game took its cue and was one of the few rifles to rival the Winchester Model 12; in April 2009 the Remington claimed to have sold over ten million copies of this rifle and was crowned as the best-selling shotgun ever. The rifle exists in different variants that differ in materials used, at the moment there are more than one hundred variants in the world.
Tactical rifle(Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary)
Fortnite Chapter 2: the weapon is available in all its variations; the epic and legendary versions are exclusive of Fortnite Chapter 2
The tactical shotgun is a good weapon, unfortunately hit by the heavy nerf reserved for shotguns by the developers during the arrival of the fifth season of the title. Mechanically speaking the tactical rifle fires a shotgun very similar to the one used by the normal shotgun, very strong at close range but whose damage decays enormously as the distance increases.
Good damage mixed with an acceptable rate of fire made patches and patches of this weapon the best choice in close combat, thanks also to the existence of the double pump.