Fortnite Chapter 2 Week 10 challenges have been leaked thanks to update 13.40, revealing what we'll all be doing as we try to get that sweet XP for our Battle Pass and get our hands on more items and skins.
Each challenge is worth 35 XP, except the one where you must deal 000 damage with shotguns or SMGs, which is worth 15 XP. All eight will give us a total of 000 XP when completed. Normally they don't take a long time to complete, and the theme for this season seems to be that the challenges are going to be pretty basic.
Now, keep in mind that these are leaks right now and nothing will be confirmed until the challenges go live in-game on Thursday, August 20. It's also important to keep in mind that, barring any delays, Week 10 will be the last week of the season.
- Search chests in Authority (0/7)
- Misty Meadows Eliminations (0/3)
- Collect fireflies in Weeping Woods (0/5)
- Dance on the Apres Ski dance floor for 10 seconds
- Destroy shipping containers at Dirty Docks (0/7)
- Deal damage to opponents with Shotguns or SMGs (0/500)
- Inflicts damage to opponents with shotguns or SMGs (0/15000)
- Search for ammo boxes in Frenzy Farm (0/7)
It should be noted that the current challenges are subject to change between the leaks and the launch of the in-game challenges. We will update this list as soon as the challenges are released to make sure they are accurate, and we will have plenty of guides. to help you meet them. We're also assuming that the challenge of dealing 15 damage with shotguns or SMGs will be one of the new “Rec: 000 player” challenges.